Chapter 24

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I'd say I'm sorry for all the mistakes, but who am I kiddin I'm so not sorry.....


Watching your enemy get punched in the face by some random dude that awkwardly resembles Bob the builder is the best thing that can happen to you. Being high just makes it billion times better.

You can do it, Bob!

It's so good you even take out your phone and start recording while regretting not having that backup popcorn bag you always keep in your car because you just love eating popcorn while driving home after work.

Take that, Ruesca.

But then one dude turns two, and two turn three and now you're feeling this strange empathy out of nowhere. Plus, you're suddenly angry at these cowards who have him outnumbered.

Why? Because you recognize them, well at least one of them.

No, we're not talking about Bob folks.

We're talking about fucking Dorito Douche.

You see, DoritoD here is this spoiled brat who thinks he's better than everyone just because his daddy has a shit ton of money from some sort of oil company or whatever.

Ehem, drugs...*coughs*.

When I met him in college, he seemed to be stuck in his high school years. I guess he still is. He was a lame bully though (still is?), and Ruesca's number one competitor in the football team even though they play different positions, stupid fucker.

As I stated before, at least Ruesca has some talent for the sport. Dorito here? Maybe average is too far from him, but again, daddy's money always helping the cause.

Anyways, that competition between them both? It had something to do with football, and A LOT to do with Camila, of course.

That's the fucking cherry on top, huh?

I told you Dorito was stuck in high school and apparently Camila was a big part of it. Ask her about Dorito now though and you'll see what regret looks like.

"I was just a silly teen experiencing what I thought was my first love, kind of..."

Yeah, that's what Camila would tell you. Call Sinu, everybody!

And that leads to my core reason to hate that boy: he was focused on making my life hell. I don't think that went too well because I never really cared but he was annoying as fuck.

I'd compare the experience to stepping on dog's shit. You try your best to get rid of it, scrapping it on the edge of some sidewalk or power stepping, whatever your method is, but it'll always leave a fucking remnant. You HAVE to thoroughly wash them or immediately take them off and run them under some hard flowing water so you make sure that shit is gone but is it, really?

Yes folks, that's what Mahone is for me. The worst case of stepping on dog's shit on your way to a final exam. That dickface.

He only annoyed me because at first he thought I was his ticket to get back with Camila. He'd always ask me for help or to deliver shit for ger that I'd always dump or give away to anyone but Camila. After he realized I wasn't complying he discovered that if he annoyed me Camila would go talk to him to try to "defend me" or whatever shit she tried to pull with that. Stupid boy. I give it to him though, Camila does look hot when mad.

When Camila and I moved off campus things started getting worse. Suddenly there's this rumor about us dating that has Dorito trying to "break us up". Can we talk about privacy violation? This dude has issues.

That's where he got info for his next move:

The bastard outed my condition using our college's media center (I must say some memes were hilarious) and that's when it all went to shit. I gained tons of haters, but I also won some interesting reputation amongst girls (and some boys) wanting a "full college experience". That's when Austin started really hating my guts and punches began.

He stopped for a bit when Camila started dating Ruesca, but only because by that time I had already graduated from college and spent almost my whole days working, so chances of running on him were low.

People knew about the whole rivalry between Ruesca and Dorito, I guess you could say it's worse now. The thing is: there was this whole story about the three of us going against each other for multiple absurd causes. And let me set this straight: I was thrown in this weird triangle of hate without a reason. None that I'm conscious of, at least.

At the end of the day I guess they all just needed some petty, dramatic story because life was boring.

You'd think that now that we're all adults you'd leave behind the pettiness. Judging from the scene in front of me... no, not really.

And just like that, possessed by some kind of heroic and very stupid spirit I jump out of my car and run as fast as I can towards the scene.

An opportunity to deliver some free punches to Dorito's crew may never be declined. Not when I really need this stress release.

THIS IS SPARTA!!!!!!! Wait, did I say that out loud?

I first land a punch on Dorito's face, the impact catching him by surprise. He immediately drops to the floor looking confused as fuck and I try my best to help Ruesca get on his feet.

And it all begins... come at me, you fuckers! I'm motherfucking Bruce Lee!

We're all throwing blind punches and you can hear some "fuck you's" being thrown to the air as well. It's messy but Ruesca and I stand a good chance.

– guys we gotta flee – I hear someone say.

Turning around I see Austin's blonde friend with a panicked look and what I assume is a radio on his hand, holding it to his ear.

– you got two minutes, Baker – can be heard over the radio.

– this one's for being a fucking freak – that's Dorito's voice.

And then I feel it. Sharp pain right on my left side.

Shit, shit, shit, shit, it hurts so bad.

– Austin move! – and just like that they're gone.

I press where I felt the sharp pain and I swear I see stars. Ruesca is trying to hold himself against the wall next to him so I step in front of him to check if he's fine. The amount of blood on the floor is scary, I put my free hand on his shoulder but he drops to the ground, unconscious.

– Oh my God, George! Dinah call 911!!! – I hear Camila's voice behind me – Lauren? LAUREN WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM!

I try to turn around but she pushes me off and kneels next to Ruesca, trying to get him to react or something, I guess. I don't know but I'm starting to feel dizzy too. I back up until my back meets the wall.

– George, can you hear me? Dinah, 911!! – Camila's voice sounds desperate – Lauren you asshole – she lifts her head and looks at me, her eyes piercing through my soul. It hurts even more than whatever injury I have right now – why would y.... holy shit! LAUREN!

– I...I'm s-sorry C-c-camz...

Or I think that's the last thing I said before it all went pitch black.


What's your take on dog's shit though?

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