Chapter 25

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I tried guys, I really tried. This must be the weirdest, most sensless chapter ever BUT it has some important info.



I suddenly feel a bright light hitting me, so I squeeze my eyes shut because I really don't want to open them. My head feels heavy, it's like the worst case of hungover ever.

Yup, it's there, dry mouth, alcohol still lingering. Did I drink too much last night?

I groan and try to turn away from the sun light peeling its way to my bedroom through my windows.

Wait what?

I immediately open my eyes and that's where I am. My bedroom.

My old bedroom? This is... am I at my old house? The one I shared with Lucy?

What the...? Why would I be in my old house? Where's all my other stuff?

Where's Lucy!

I'm trying to remember what happened in the last hours but I'm clueless. I look to my right, scanning for my cellphone but it's not on my nightstand. I check the alarm clock: 11:06 a.m.

There's a battle going in my mind at this point. I feel like there's two different people trying to take control. The first one's all "Lauren, what the fuck are you doing here? You moved out from this place ages ago".

Is Lucy here?

The other one's urging me with anxiety, going all crazy thinking: "Shit I slept in! my boss is going to kill me! Move Jauregui, move, move!!!!"

Okay, chill dude I'm getting up. Damn....

I get up in a hurry and go through "my stuff" trying to find something acceptable to wear to work while thinking of a good excuse. Somehow, I go through everything and it feels so natural. I remember exactly how everything works around here and where I should be looking for every item.

If I'm still high, then that shit was strong as fuck. Never had a trip like this before.

Oh look! That's where I left my... old phone, apparently.

Out of instinct I grab it but it's dead, so I need the charger now. Great.

I walk out of my bedroom with a random t-shirt on and some jeans. I really need some quick coffee and I just know my shoes are in the living room. I see a silhouette lying on the couch and silently make my way over to check who that may be. Lucy, is that you?

When I get there, I gently grab the blanket covering her so I can take a peek. A random blue-haired...uh... siren? Okay this is just getting weird.

There's food and candy wrappers scattered around. This feels oddly familiar. It's like some Déjà vu. I go to the girl and try turning her around. She's cuddling one of the cushions and it's so weird I feel the urge to take a picture. I do.

When I shake her there's no response, just a groan. And I know immediately who that is.


I turn her around and that's her. The remnants of her make-up look like shit, she's got some drool on her cheek as well. She's got some serious case of morning breath and there's a wine stain on her white top. Not her best state, really. Another picture on the way.

I lift her up and wonder how she stays so skinny with all the shit that she eats, but whatever. She mumbles something that sounds really like Zach's own baby language

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