Chapter 17

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My palms are sweaty and my heart is beating faster than a crappy punk song's beat. I tried texting Annie countless times to warn her about the situation with my family but no response. It's not that I don't want her to meet my family, it's just that I don't want her meeting my family right now. I haven't even asked her out for fucks sake!

So if she's there what do I say? "Oh hey guys, this is Annie my...?"

According to Camila, if I call her friend it blows the whole dating plan.

Can't tell my parents she's my fuck buddy. I mean, I know Mike wouldn't have a problem with it, he would maybe give me one of his approving nods but mom? She'll lose it.

And Camila's parents are here too.... Oh God, Annie please be wearing clothes.

As I expected, when the elevator doors open she's standing in the hallway, heading our way actually and when she sees me she seems shocked. Wait, shocked? You were supposedly expecting me to arrive...?

I see her put on a bright smile and for the second time this day someone completely dismisses my existence. She straight up gives Camila a brief hug while greeting her. What the fuck?

– Annaleigh? Hey, what are you doing here? – who the fuck is Annaleigh? That's An.... Oh.

– Hey, I was just visiting a friend here, guess I have the wrong floor, – Annie shoots me a look as if saying "go with it" and I ain't complaining, she just solved my whole dilemma.

Camila, on the other hand, is the one that looks nervous right now and I stand there awkwardly until she remembers I'm there and her family is too.

– Oh right, this is Lauren my best friend, she also lives in this building, – Camila says pointing at my door.

– Hey there Annaleigh, nice to meet you, – I shake her hand, giving her a little squeeze to which she reacts blushing.

– And these are my parents, Sinu and Alejandro. You already know little Zach over there, – Camila goes on with the introductions and I'm curious to know what on Earth is happening. She's a nervous mess, stealing glances from Annie as if trying to communicate something.

– It's always lovely to get to know Camila's friends dear! – Sinu pipes in in her usual cheerful tone, after that statement Camila visibly relaxes.

– Okay guys, it was nice to meet you all. I'm on a hurry though so I have to go now, – Annie says making her way to the elevator.

– Yeah, we have a lot of settling to do, – Sinu says pointing the luggage, – will we see you tomorrow darling? You know, for Zach's party?

– I didn't know you were throwing a party for him, – she looks at Camila again. The look she gives her is a mix between disappointment and longing? Call me crazy but she looks at Camila as a high school girl would look at her crush.

– Well, now you know! Hey Lo, could you help the parents? I'll go down with Annaleigh, forgot to tell Denis something...

She doesn't give me time to respond, she's already in the elevator with Annaleigh and I turn to see the amused expression our parents are sporting.

– Who was that again Lauren? – my mom asks when I open the door to my apartment.

– Camila's new friend I guess? – I tell her, I really don't know what's that deal. I didn't know they knew each other!

This could be good though, if Camila is Annie's friend she can put a good word for me and Annie will finally forget about the other girl she's "kind of dating but not officially dating".

– Is this friend a romantic interest of my daughter? – Sinu stands next to my mom and they share a look.

– I don't know? – then it occurs me what a nervous wreck Camila was while introducing Annie to her parents, could be? Nah, that'd be crazy.

Camila did tell me she was interested in a girl though. What was the girl's name again? fuck... did she tell her parents yet? Just to be sure I play it safe.

– I don't think so, though guys. You all know Camila is not interested in girls. – I move their stuff to the assigned rooms and I swear I heard Sinu mumble something along the lines "we'll make it happen", but I can't be bothered with it right now.

Right now, I need to talk to Annie and ask what that whole hallway deal was. She pretended she didn't know me! Why?

My only answer is, she read my texts and was giving me a hand for it.

Camila will explain that friendship later.

Speaking of Camila...

– Papá what are you doing!! – she burst through the door, yelling when she sees Alejandro playing with Zach, throwing him in the air.

– Mija don't worry, we're having a little fun, aren't we boy? – he cues at Zach while playing with him, – besides, I know what babies need, I have two daughters remember? Go help your mom mija, leave us alone.

– But Papi, mami gave him a bottle in the car, he could...– and I hear the unmistakable sound of Zach puking.

When I turn I can't help but laugh, Ale's face and tee is drenched in puke and his face is picture worthy.

Everyone burst out laughing and Camila quickly takes Zach from Ale's hands, trying to calm him down a bit.

After they all settle down at MY place, I throw some clothes in a duffle bag and take them to Camila's place. I'm in serious need of a shower and our moms decided they wanted to cook some big meal to catch up with us, I'm not complaining. My mom's cooking skills are out of this world.

– So... – I don't know exactly how to ask her about Annie. – who was that friend of yours?

– Annaleigh, – Camila plops on the couch and lets out a sigh, – that's you know...

– No, I don't? A good friend? How did you meet her? – I say throwing my head on her lap. I'm seriously hoping she's good friends with her so she can help me. Picturing her face when I tell her she's "the Annie". Coincidences? How fun is this?

– You remember that girl I told you that insisted on going out with me? – she pauses, looking directly to my eyes and then averting her gaze, – then I went out with her and told you it was the best date ever! Well that's her..

Did I hear right? She's her what? What?

– she's the girl you're dating? – I ask trying to understand this. My brain just exploded.

– we're not officially dating, we went out a few times and I think I like it. Being with her I mean. – she says shyly.

And I feel like crap.

I've been fucking Camila's girl.

Not only that, the FIRST GIRL she's ever tried something with. How the fuck did this happen?

Now it all makes sense, Annie pretending not to know me in front of Camila. Camila's nervousness.

– You didn't tell your parents, did you?

– Not yet, you're the only one who knows. I was... I am, you know. I wanted to be sure. Hey, is there something wrong?

Camila tries to reach for my hand but I quickly step away.

– Nothing, I really need a shower. I'll be out in a bit, okay?

She only nods.

Great I'm officially the worst friend ever. She needs me right now and I run away and lock myself in the bathroom? What the fuck is wrong with you Jauregui!?

I like Annie so much, but Camila's my best friend. I can't do this to her. Can't keep doing this to her.

I need to talk with Annie.

Camila can never know about this.

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