Chapter 21

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Camila's POV

After everything that went on I couldn't think straight. George's confession in the bathroom, Lauren leaving the party with a defeated look in her eyes, Annie's sweet and encouraging presence.

I'm glad to be surrounded by family, they made the whole day perfect for my little boy. I'm only happy because he got to spend his time with the most important people in my life.

But Lauren wasn't there.

And I know it's my fault.

How could I be so stupid? I was so wrapped up in my own shit that I never figured out all this time we were talking about the same girl.

Annaleigh, Annie, A. Come on Camila, and you couldn't put two and two together?

She was all over Lauren after the fight with George, for God's sake!

I feel so guilty about the whole situation. It took Lauren months to finally move on from the whole Lucy situation, and a whole other year to start dating again, if you can call it dating really.

It took her two more years to start feeling something for someone and I just took that away. I should've seen the signs, it was all there.

I took Annie from her, the first girl she openly confessed to be interested in. The first girl who made an impression on her, the girl that could finally heal my best friend's heart.

I ruined it.

To make things worse, when I tried talking to her she just left and I haven't seen her or been able to contact her ever since.

Cody says she's been staying at some hotel, he saw her show up at work but moved offices so he didn't have a chance to spend much time with her.

Dinah told me she wouldn't answer her texts.

Annaleigh says she tried contacting her, but it was no use. I think she feels as guilty as me after the whole thing went down. We had a long chat about us and the whole mess we made. I told her it'd be better if we just stayed friends, she agreed.

I still find her attractive, though. It's been hard to be around her and refrain from flirting or doing something that would cross the friendship boundaries we've settled. The chemistry is there but I wouldn't do that to Lauren.

She needs to come back so I can tell her how sorry I am, how stupid I was. We all need to talk and she needs to give Annaleigh another chance.

I need to figure out my own stuff, like what will happen to George and I.

I never thought he'd be the caring type when it came to Zach. I knew he hated the idea of a child so soon in his career and mine but he's been visiting him almost everyday for the past two weeks. Bringing him presents and taking care of him, or at least trying since Mike, Clara, mom and dad are always around glaring at him when he gets too close. Those four, I swear.

Watching him with Zach surely stirs something inside me. It gives me hope. Maybe Zach will be able to have both his parents in his life and grow up surrounded by that love.

He's doing what Lauren did when she was around.

Suddenly I feel something hit my face.

– Chancho you're not paying attention! Stop thinking about your wifey and make a move already!

Yeah, that's Dinah. The girls and I decided it'd be fun to have a night in and play Monopoly because, why not?

– Yes Mila, you spaced out for like, twenty minutes, – Ally says while taking a sip of her drink.

Life, Love, and other misunderstandings [Camren fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now