Chapter 12

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– You look like a shit.

That's the first thing Camila tells me when she sees me. Why? Because she's an amazing best friend. You see, your friends usually are people you like to have around, you share with them who you are, what you like or dislike, you ask for their opinion before buying that cute skirt you saw at the mall and most of the time you try to be a decent human being around them.

Best friends though? No filters with those ones. They're all a friend is and more. Because when a person doesn't have the balls to tell you "hey you've got lettuce in your teeth" or "you look fat in those jeans", you know that your level of trust with them is not quite high yet. But believe me, a best friend will tell you everything and most likely embarrass you just like your family would when you're with your buds.

Hence, Camila's previous statement doesn't bother me. Because I look like shit, and worse- Thanks a lot, boss.

– Well I feel like shit too, so at least we know I ain't no faker. – Camila opens her arms and envelopes me in a much needed hug, letting my head rest on her shoulder I feel I could totally fall asleep right here.

– Let me go bring Zach and we can get going.

I promised I'd help her out today after three weeks of not seeing each other and only texting to see how we were doing. She asked me to go grocery shopping with her and to take care of some stuff she needs for Zach's upcoming birthday party... yaaay! The things I do for you buddy.

It's a good thing I need to stuff my fridge so I guess it isn't that bad to go with her. My parents are coming next week and my mom will go crazy if she sees that my kitchen is empty. She's always lecturing me about staying healthy and having good eating habits, all that good stuff. Mothers, you can be 50 years old and they will still bug you with these things, gotta love em'.

– Hey there buddy! – I take Zach from Camila's arms and give him a hug and start covering his face with kisses, I missed this little fella, – what's that in your hands? – I inspect the item closer, it's a ring I guess? All metal, nothing special but he seems to like it.

– I don't know where he got that from. I think maybe it's some accessory from one of his toys that fell or something? – Camila says while locking her front door.

– Could be, as long as he doesn't put that thing in his mouth and swallows it. Why do you even let him have it Camila?

– I just found it Lo, here take it from him and give him his stuffed lion – she hands me the stuffed animal and I exchange it with Zach. He doesn't seem all too bothered, maybe he was getting bored of the plain ring. So I take it and start toying with it myself. Now I get the fun behind this.

I keep playing with it all the way to the grocery store, rolling it and slipping it in my fingers until...

– Uh, Camz?

– Yes Lo, what's wrong? – she says while looking around for the articles on her list.

– It's stuck. – I say trying to take it off my ring finger. Out of all of them, really?

– What? – she turns around with confusion written all over her face so I show her my hand. She starts laughing. – Oh my God Lauren! I..I t-told you to b-be careful! – she says between giggles.

And that laugh is infectious, and one of my favorite sounds after a woman's moan of course. So I start laughing as well and so is Zach even if he doesn't know what's happening.

– Don't laugh! Help me slide it off! What if my finger falls for lack of circulation or something!

– We'll deal with it when we get home kid – she says mocking me, – now, can you hand me the Wheaties?

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