Chapter 10

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From: -A

Are we still up for that drink tonight?

I keep reading over and over the last text she sent me. Don't get me wrong, it's not that I don't want to go out with her, considering we had a pretty fun conversation last night. But then... shit happens, and by shit I mean dreaming about my dead ex-girlfriend and missing her like hell. Will I ever be capable of letting Lucy go? Probably yes. Do I want to? NO.

We'll keep this casual, as usual.

To: -A

Of course gorgeous! Meet you there at 9?

From: -A

I was hoping you'd pick me up? I'm still kinda new to the city...

Fuck, is she turning this into some kind of date? Wait.... You can always persuade her to stay in?

To: -A

Sure, give me your address.

My phone buzzes one last time with a text with her address and some sort of "Excited for tonight" thing. I can't help but think how this is the same girl that made me wait around 3 weeks only to give me her number and I still have no clue what her name is, but she seems eager for tonight. What happened? I'm not complaining at all, blame it to the Jauregui charm.

On the other hand, I have a strange feeling about this whole thing.

Come on Lauren, you do this all the time. Just a short fling to keep your mind busy and avoid the "Lucy topic". It'll work just fine.

Nobody needs a heartbreak while picking up the pieces of the last one.

– JAUREGUI!! – that's Dan, the creative director. He's a cool guy, very demanding but in a nice way. He's always trying his best to not put unnecessary pressure on our shoulders, which Is much appreciated by the whole team. We're working on tight schedules all the time.

– Hey Dan, need anything? – I say approaching his desk.

– I've been checking the last pieces you sent, let me tell you they're amazing. I know you've been working non stop on those ones.

– Ah yes! Well the whole artistic team has been working their asses off. We sure want this game to be as realistic as possible.

– I can see that, how long have you been working in this department?

– I started while I was still in college, I'd say maybe 7 years? Yeah, that's, almost 7 years. Why do you ask?

– Well I was talking with Josh earlier this morning, he told me about an opportunity he took in San Fran, so after we're done with this current project, he'll go.

– Man what a shame! He's so good. I hope they don't fill his position with some uncreative moron. – I say wholeheartedly, Josh is the lead artist aka my team leader or "boss".

– Do you consider yourself an uncreative moron Lauren? – Dan asks me leaving me so confused, what the hell? Oh...

– Wait...does this mean..? – I'm trying to play it cool, but I think I'm failing miserably.

– Yes, they asked me to recommend someone from the team, and I think you'd be great in that position. You have the experience, the talent, you're a key element for the team and you're still so young. We could use some fresh ideas in our future games.

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