Chapter 8

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- Tell me again, why are you going through all this for a girl? – Cody says while focusing on his current work.

- It's not like I'm doing anything I wouldn't normally do with a girl, you know? Making her laugh and stuff. – I say nonchalantly, sitting next to him while helping with his design.

- Lauren, come on! You worked really hard all week with those little clues and notes she left just to get her number, which I must say, were clever as fuck! – I nod, her little notes were surprisingly well thought and funny at the same time. Took me a while to put it all together, still no name.

- Okay, maybe I'm putting a little extra effort here, but I can't quit right now! I'm so close, this girl won't disappoint. – Cody turns his head and gives me an amused look.

- You are trying so hard to make it sound like she'll be just a hook up.

- I'm having fun Cody, when you meet a girl that is not openly throwing herself at you like it normally happens in clubs and bars you have to enjoy it. – I wink and he starts laughing while focusing his attention on the screen in front of him again.

- You are slowly entering the cliché zone – I see a smirk on his face, fuck you Cody. – You meet a girl in a coffee shop, you chase her, finally take her on a date, then confess it was love at first sight, kiss and you feel the fireworks and bla bla bla, marry her. – He turns his face around and wiggles his eyebrows.

- Fuck you, no. It won't be like that. – I roll my eyes – it's surprising how much you know about this. Huh? Been watching your rom coms boy? – I give him a little nudge trying to change the subject. He sighs.

- You have no clue... Samantha won't let me pick a movie, and today is movies night... again – He shakes his head and rolls his eyes.

- Hahaha, whipped. – I shove his shoulder and stand up picking my stuff.

- Hey, shut up! I'm not whipped, I just want to make her happy – he gives me the finger, ignoring my teasing.

- Whatever you say my friend, we'll help you with that on Sunday. Still up for games night?

- Of course! – he nods and waves goodbye. – see ya!

- Nice, my place! - I tell him, making my way to the exit.

My week is going smoothly and I'm glad that my team is keeping up with work, our last crunch cycle was horrific. I think I only slept 3 hours during those weeks, and I missed Camila's birthday. Coming from a Cuban-American family I've learnt that you don't want to piss a Latina off. Hell no!

I open my apartment's door and finally get my heels off. Uuughh what a relief dear Lord! I rush to my bedroom to get changed into some comfy clothes and call it a day. All I want to do right now is grab a beer from my fridge and throw myself on the couch, and that's exactly what I do. My body finally relaxes and I start to slowly doze off, but then I hear a knock on the door, I know it's Camila.

- Come in, it's open! – I yell from the couch, not moving an inch.

- Hey – Camila comes in with Zach, walks to the couch and plants a sweet kiss on my forehead. I open my eyes and she places Zach on my chest so I quickly grab him.

- Hey little nugget, how are you doing? – I sit up and kiss the little boy.

- Lo, can I borrow your straightener real quick? – she asks me with a smile, and now that I look at her I can see she's wearing a cute pink crop top and her favorite skinny jeans. Who's the lucky guy tonight Camz?

- Oh... yeah sure! You know where to find it – I smile and bounce Zach on my lap, he starts giggling, so cute.

I stand up with Zach on my hip and go to my bedroom, Camila is there doing her hair.

- Who's the lucky douche tonight? – I ask her, sitting on my bed still playing with my little Zach.

- Not a douche nor a date. – She says with a little giggle – I'm just hanging out with a friend tonight, she's new to town so Zach and I are going to show her around.

- She? Are we switching teams Camz? – I lift one eyebrow and look at Zach. Camila just lets a long breath out and shakes her head.

- No, no, I'm trying to be friendly. This girl's nice and I know how hard it is to get started in a new city. – Camila looks at me through the mirror and smiles. – I think you would like her, though – she winks.

- Oh really? Is she hot? – I smirk and she rolls her eyes.

- She is pretty, yes, and sweet. We've been texting, she is very smart and down to earth, also a big PLL fan! –she squealed eagerly – Told me she moved to L.A because she's pursuing a modelling career. She got signed with an agency, I just don't remember which one. – Camila pauses and turns around – Hey, why don't you come with us? – she says with a big smile plastered on her face.

- I'd love to, but I'm really tired Camz, and they asked me to be there tomorrow in the office – I sigh, I'm now curious to meet this girl.

- Oh, I'm sorry to hear that – Camila pouts and sits next to me – are we still having breakfast?

- Yes we are! – I say excited with a big smile, I love her pancakes – what time are you supposed to meet this girl?

- shoot, what time is it? – She quickly glances at my alarm clock on the side table with wide eyes – Come on Zach, we need to go! – we both get up and make our way to the door.

- See you tomorrow neighbor! – I say kissing Zach on his forehead, letting Camila take him on her arms. – Good luck with your "non date" – I do air quotes, smirking.

- Whatever – Camila rolls her eyes – I'll see you tomorrow.

I go back to the couch and let my body relax again. I'm surprised that Camila is going out with this new friend tonight, I mean, she usually goes out with some lame guy who takes her on the worst dates ever. I don't know why she always picks the douche, it isn't that hard to tell a guy is an asshole Camz!

But maybe that's because she didn't meet the right person yet, and who says it should be strictly a guy? I know Camila says she is straight, but I always suspected her to be bisexual, honestly. We talked about it before and of course she denied it, but actions are louder than words, and I'm sure I caught her more than once checking a girl out. Maybe she just needs to taste the waters and figure that out for herself, whatever she decides she knows she can count on me.

Wait, Lauren you have "A's" number now! Few little teasing texts won't hurt, girl. Game on!


A/N: Hey guys! Thanks to the few that keep reading this, I'm sorry this story is building so slowly but this is actually the last chapter before shit start stiring up. Well, some might already start imagining what it is ;). Thank you again and send me your feedback and suggestions! Have a nice weekend y'all!

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