Chapter 7

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I'm sitting at my favorite café right now, waiting for Dinah to show up. It doesn't surprise me that she's running late, but who am I to judge? I'm going through my sketches, trying to come up with new scenarios for our team's latest project when I spot a girl shyly glancing at me. It's her again!

I don't know her, but I've seen this girl for the past two weeks in this same café, she always orders the same and just sits and reads a book, for the looks of the cover it may be a romance novel. To say this girl's beautiful is an understatement. Everything about this girl is gorgeous, from her blue eyes to the white smile she shows whenever she finds something funny in that book she's reading. Of course, for the last two weeks I've been flirting a bit with this girl, nothing big though, just some hints, winks and small conversations, but she hasn't told me her name just yet. I guess she likes to play mysterious, and I won't even complain.

Taking a quick look to my phone's clock, I know Dinah won't be here soon so that's my cue. I stand up, portraying my signature smile and walk towards the girl whose eyes are fixed on the book, again.

- Are the main characters still denying their love for each other? – I just say casually. The girl lifts her eyes to find mine, she flashes a little smile and shakes her head.

- And just like interrupt the perfect love confession – she places the book on the table, playfully rolling her eyes.

- Perfect? Woah there, I'd love to hear your definition of perfect. – Eye contact Lauren, that's key.

- Brave, honest, passionate and unexpected. – I swear I can see little hearts coming from her eyes as she speaks.

- So you think I'm perfect? Stoop, you're making me blush – I bring a hand to my cheek, giving her a little smile. She is blushing Lo, high-five!

- I see modesty plays also a big part on your character – She smirks while grabbing her cup of coffee to take a sip of the beverage.

- Maybe, but now we're being unfair here – she lifts an eyebrow with a confused expression – I mean, lady, you now know more about me, but haven't told me your name yet. Putting two and two together I'm starting to think you're a serial killer on a mission here, and maybe I'm your target, so if you're ending my life please have the decency of revealing your name, I won't tell anybody, I mean... I'll be dead I after all.

She starts laughing at my statement. The sole sound of her voice is endearing and I wouldn't mind to hear that more often, really.

- If you have those suspicions maybe you should consider stop giving me information, don't you value your life? – she says, trying to sound serious, her eyes challenging me with a breathtaking stare.

- Believe me, I do. – I take one step closer, my right hand on the table just inches away from hers and bend over a little to meet that stare closer – But it's hard when your killer looks so innocent and beautiful. That's what makes a perfect hunter, and I may be falling right into the trap. – my voice sounds deeper now.

Her face now is turning bright red, as mine is inches away. Slowly I give her a charming smile and a subtle wink, before straightening up again. She is just looking at me with wide eyes and a shy smile. She lets a little giggle escape her mouth and I just smirk.

- I'll see you around – that's all I say before heading back to my own table, giving her a little wave.

And as on cue, when I reach my table I see Dinah entering the coffee shop with a wide smile and her chin up as usual. She walks exuding confidence and I just laugh a little when she takes a sit on my table.

- Hey Ralph! What you up to girl? – Dinah says as loud as usual – Hmmm I see you've been working your charms already – She teases with a wink. I can see she's directing her gaze right behind my shoulder.

- What do you mean? – I try to sound nonchalant, but I know who she is looking at.

- She can't stop looking in this direction, she's even biting her lower lip – thanks for the info Dinah. – Wait, is this mystery girl from last week? – She rests her head on the back of her hands, while giving me her "you nasty" look. - Still nothing, uh?

- It's a work in progress DJ – I hear steps coming closer from behind, and then a hand leaves a piece of paper in front of me. When I lift my gaze, I see the girl giving me a small wave and she leaves the coffee shop.

- That's some shit ton of progress if you ask me! – Dinah giggles giving me a high-five – you're breaking my little Camren shipper heart Ralph! – she puts a hand on her chest and uses the other one to catch her fake tears. I just flash big smirk and put the piece of paper in my pocket.

- Ugh DJ, I thought you were going to break your 1 minute record before mentioning Camren – I roll my eyes and let a sigh escape my mouth.

- Girl, don't blame me for reading the signs! Every time I'm with you two and you start your little "staring contest" I just wanna grab yo heads and smash em' together so you finally kiss. – Dinah mimics her actions and I just laugh at how annoying she is with the whole "Camren" ship. – I may do it next time.

- Whatever floats your boat D.

Dinah and I stayed in the coffee shop before I had to go to my office again. She teased me a little more with the Camren thing and then just laughed at some awkward stories she told me about her work. We finally shared a goodbye hug and I remembered that I still had the piece of paper the girl gave me in my pocket. Mental note, don't lose that shit.

I arrive to my workplace and finally sit on my workstation. Before starting to work on my designs I grab the piece of paper that is in my pocket and open it, holding my phone on the other hand ready to create a new contact. But to my surprise, this girl has other plans. Her note that says: "wouldn't you love if this was my number? 😉 -A"

Oooooh sneaky little shit, I see what you did there! You're going down girl, game on. I really need to catch up on PLL.

Life, Love, and other misunderstandings [Camren fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now