Chapter 22

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Hi, it's weed!

Lazy fucker. Won't proofread so eh.


Famous last words. Boy, they hurt.

No matter what I do, I can't seem to erase them from my mind. But that's how this works, right? Words don't mean too much if they come from people you don't know or don't care about. But those ones close to you? The ones you love?

It hurts.

And now I'm left feeling like the worst friend ever.

I close my eyes and it all comes back again.

Dinah, would you watch Zach for a little bit? He's already sleeping.

– What? Where are you heading? – I grab my phone and purse in a hurry.

– I need to go to Ally's, like right now.

– Camila, wait! What's going on? First Ally leaves and now you and...

– Chechee I'll tell you all about it later, – I turn around – Be right back!

And with that I left Dinah's house thankful for the fact that Ally lives a few blocks away.

I thanked Ally's doorman for letting me in. He knows who I am, and he always lets the girls and I go up to her apartment. Whenever we have our girl's night here he gets free pizza so I guess he likes us.

As soon as step in the elevator I'm desperate for it to reach Ally's floor. The nerves are killing me but Lauren and I need to talk.

She can't keep avoiding this.

I need to tell her how sorry I am, for everything. If I knew Annaleigh was the girl she was crushing on I would've stepped down that train. Well, I guess I ended up doing it anyway.

Because she seemed genuinely happy and finally moving on with Annie's help.

And I fucked that up.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts when I hear the elevator doors opening.

It's time. You got this Camila, go get your best friend back.

But when I'm in front of Ally's door I hesitate. Am I doing the right thing? Forcing her to face me when she clearly still needs her space? She came to talk to Ally and so..-

– Well damn Ally, what kind of fucking friend does that, huh? – I hear Lauren's unmistakable raspy voice. She sounds so angry. She never raises her voice like that.

– Calm down Lo, you're not thinking str...

– Ally, don't. I'm fucking serious, that shit is fucked up. Going around and doing your best friend's girl like that? And facing her like there's nothing wrong Als, what kind of shit is that?! Fuck – she screams – Pathetic, lame, that's what that shit is. What a fake piece of shit.

Wait, what?!

I can't believe this. I knew she was mad, but seriously? She's calling me a piece of shit now?

What the fuck Lauren?!

So much for always being honest with each other, why won't she speak to me about this?

Oh right, because I'm a pathetic, fake piece of shit.

My blood is boiling. I'm so angry with her. To think I came here to apologize and try to make things better. And she blames it all on me like this?

Life, Love, and other misunderstandings [Camren fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now