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Hyuga sighed in defeat when he heard the name come out of his friend, Teppei, and shook his head.

"He's still not coming to practice, Kiyoshi. He said he lost interest in playing." Hyuga said.

Kiyoshi shifted on his bed and faced the window, remembering the tall boy with short blonde hair.

Riko came back with two drinks in tow and handed them to the two boys, her mind already clicking that they were talking about a member of their team that even she, is sort of afraid of.

"Hey, Riko, why don't you try again? Maybe he'll listen to you this time." Kiyoshi urged her.

"I don't want to, Teppei. He already made it clear that my words won't reach him." Riko groaned in a bit of anger and fright.

The three lapsed into silence, the words the boy said to them before he stopped attending practice a year ago when they experienced losing came echoing in their head.

'Don't bother me. This sport is no longer interesting. '


The whistle blew and the practice game ended. The second years and first years took their bottles and drank water greedily, the need for the liquid high due to the exhausting game.

It was another day of practice but Hyuga couldn't stop brooding about the person he, Kiyoshi and Riko were talking about two days ago in the hospital.

Riko noticed his sulking state but didn't say a word about it yesterday. She knows full well that Hyuga is very affected by the persons sudden lost of interest and absence. How could he not be affected when the two were friends since childhood?

"Coach, what's wrong? You and Hyuga-senpai resemble zombies today and yesterday." Kagami stated, getting fed up with their unusual behavior.

Riko caught Hyuga's eyes and nods back, deciding to give the others a chance to do what she and Hyuga tried to do for so many times.

"We used to have another player, a second year now. He's tall and good at being the point guard."

"Really? Where is he?" Kagami cuts in. Riko magically grabbed her big paper fan and swiped it on his head in anger.

"JUST LISTEN, BAKAGAMI! Anyway, he stopped coming to practices a year ago and he wouldn't listen to us two, saying that he's lost interest about basketball." Riko finished.

"That guy treated basketball seriously when we were younger until a year ago. I don't know why but he just got up and left. I know he loves the sport, he just doesn't have any motivation anymore."

By now, all the second years either looked down or avoided looking at the first years and kept silent.

"We tried to talk to him, persuade him, but he wouldn't come. He threatened to hurt us if he ever is bothered by us again. And by hurt, I mean physically, emotionally and mentally." Hyuga added.

Izuki turned to the first years with seriousness in his eyes, "Be careful around him. Satoru has a sharp tongue and could hurt you easily by words."

The first years noticed how their senpais looked and took note that this Satoru must be important for them.

On the side, a boy quietly listened and decided to search for this Satoru.

Just outside the gym, a figure smirks and walks away, his hands stuffed in his pockets and his headphones covering his ears, music blasting.

'Hyuga, Hyuga, Hyuga. You're still a blabbermouth. Annoying.'

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