Thirty - one

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Satoru gave his friends and teammates the stink eye, growling and annoyed as his moment with Tetsuya was interrupted. "You better have one good fucking reason for interrupting my time with Tetsuya," he hissed and his friends all sputtered and pointed at them. 

Kuroko pinched his thigh, "We haven't told them we were dating," he reminded him and Satoru hummed. 

So that was the cause. They didn't know. He forgot to tell them. But still.....Satoru whined like a child inside his mind, irritating Toru who was awakened by his inner tantrum. 

'Shut the fuck up, Satoru,'

'But my moment with my love!!! It was ruined!'

'Oh?! Then just fucking punch them and continue it!'



"Oh yeah. Tetsuya and I have been dating for a while now. So, shoo and leave us be. " Satoru waved his hand as if driving them off while he continued to nuzzling to Tetsuya, now not afraid of being found out since his friends already know. Well, he literally just dropped the news so imagine the processing faces of the Seirin members. 

Riko, on the other hand, snapped pictures of the two while disregarding the fact that her nose is bleeding. She knew something was strange between the two and that Satoru was quite clingy and protective of Tetsuya. Who knew that she would get a live action of one of the scenes she had read in yaoi mangas? 

This was true heaven.

The uke was the phantom sixth man who had all the qualities an Uke should have while the badboy  and talented Satoru perfected all the qualities a Seme should have. The uke does have his own charm and his body perfectly suited the role, even his submissiveness to the clingy seme is perfect to the dot. Satoru was the complete package. He had the reputation, talent, body, possessiveness and shamelessness the seme should have. 

All the yaoi manga Riko secretly stashed in her room came into her mind and she imagined her two friends to be doing the sweet scenes and her blood came rushing out of her nose in waterfalls. 

Koganie, Hyuga and Kiyoshi cried as Riko was unresponsive while having a bloody nose and sporting a lopsided grin. It only grew worse when a Satoru kissed Kuroko's cheek and the uke was all flushed. Riko collapsed in Hyuga's arms. 

Satoru watched them with amusement while Kuroko wondered what was  wrong with their coach. If the two were to know of the R18 scenes playing in Riko's head and the sweet lines of confessions and wild imagines to be relayed to them, the two lovers would be blushing and drowning her in onions and water.

Kagami came into the living room to find it in chaos and his red eyes reached the only two who were watching this as if they were spectators to a comedic play. His eyebrow rose when Satoru just laughed and clung to Kuroko while the other didn't remove him and just simply leaned to his embrace. Something was strange with them but Kagami didn't think much of it and just munched on his own food as the chaos further escalated to Koganie being flattened by the coach as she fawned over the two.


Yay, double updates. 

Please dont kill me. 

Thank you for reading. 

This book is almost done, T-T


oh well

please comment which character ye want me to do next. and some ideas are appreciated.

Love you guys

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