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Five days passed since Satoru received the approval from Tetsuya's parents for their relationship, it is now Wednesday.

Satoru didn't bother listening to the teacher drone about how literature in Japan differ from other countries literature and discussing about different literature some major countries has given importance.

He has other things to think about. Important things that Tetsuya had made him think about. Oh, he's so attached to him. He'd do anything for that naïve boy but not going back to playing, that is another topic.

-- Come back to the club, Satoru. Its okay if you don't play, you could just help us train like how you did on yourself. Please?--

Argh, Tetsuya! What the heck did you do to me?!

You're lovesick, moron.

If I am 'lovesick', then so are you, double moron. We're the same person.

Hmph. You forgot that we have different behaviour and side, triple moron.

Still have the same brain and mind, quadruple moron.

Is your insult dictionary limited to moron?

No. You started it.

So, it is limi—

The lunch bell rang and the teacher said his goodbyes, exiting the classroom and students preparing to eat their lunch.

"Mukami-kun ~ you wanna eat lunch with us~?" A classmate of his, which he didn't bother to remember her name, flirtatiously asked him.

Rolling his eyes, Satoru picked up his lunch and left the girl as if she wasn't there.

He went down a floor and stood outside Tetsuya's current subject room and waited for the light blue haired male to come out. Satoru heard his lovers voice coaxing an angry male inside and he smirks, seems like that kitty isn't properly tamed still.

Hearing light footsteps drawing near, Satoru uncrossed his arms and stood tall.

"Hello, Satoru. " Tetsuya had a miniscule smile on his lips and got a response of the usual smirk on Satoru's. Though, the smirk irritated Kagami. The redhead clicked his tongue in distaste and grumbled about how he wishes to bash the upperclassman's face and remove that goddamn smirk.

"Yo, Tetsuya. Wild kitty-kun, I'll be stealing Tetsuya again today." Satoru gave Kagami a triumphant look and Kagami got ticked off.

"Stop calling me wild kitty. You're irritating and a goddamn annoying sempai." Kagami growls and Satoru showed amusement.

Tetsuya watched in between the two who had a glaring contest, glare for Kagami and triumphant look for Satoru, when his stomach growled and his hand flew to where his stomach is.

A light pink flush on his cheeks and Satoru held himself back from chuckling at how Tetsuya's stomach growled for food.

"I do hope you get yourself tamed properly when I see you again, wild Kitty. Though, I doubt you can be tamed when I do seeing as you only have a little bit of time left for our next meeting. Idiotic kitty from the unknown wilderness." Satoru playfully sneers and leave the fuming Kagami, Tetsuya beside him as they walked to the rooftop.

"Let's go home together today, Tetsuya."

"Why would you say that when we always go home together now?"

"Nothing, nothing. I forgot you're so innocent. Just wait for my surprise then."

"Oh, okay. I'll wait."


"Oh my goodness!!!! Why did he have to write it when he could've just told me directly??!!!!"


Riko had a flowery aura around her, making the basketball team suspicious. The second years guessed that she might've assigned them a practice match with strong opponents but they didn't see her skip.

So, its a no. Just what got this girl so happy today?

"Riko looks incredibly happy, Hyuga." Koganei spoke the obvious and the rest nods.

"Aye, sir!" Izuki butted in.

"Not now, Izuki." Hyuga growls.

Practice just ended and they were all sweating save for Riko who still had a flowery aura.

"Gather up!" She called them and they crowded around her on the bench, a bit larger circle since they stink of sweat and Riko dislikes getting a smell of it so close.

"Ahem! I have an announcement! I found us a manager!" Riko announced and the guys stared at her with their mouths agape.

'Are we finally getting another girl?!' They mentally exclaimed, save for Kuroko and Tsuchida (who has a girlfriend) though.

Giggling excitedly, Riko clapped her hands, "I won't take long and just let the person come in! He hates to be kept waiting. Come in please!"

The guys are bubbling with excitement when they heard the coach say come in but then widened their eyes when they processed her words.


The door to the gym opened and a familiar blonde hair sporting the same uniform and his headphones on his neck, his golden brown eyes darkening as his lips curled to a smirk, entered the place.

"So surprised to see me, idiots?"


"Is there another Satoru Mukami on this planet?"

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