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"Finally! That darn wild animal is down! Damn! That match was awesome!"

Glee filled Satoru when he saw Kagami and Aomine clash against each other earlier in the game while the two were inside the Zone. Kuroko just smiled lightly at the joy his lover is feeling and walked beside him.

"Yo, Riko. Tetsuya and I have somewhere to go to. Mind if we go first?" Satoru inquired to the happy Riko and she responded with a sceptical look before agreeing. Since Hyuuga coaxed her to just agree.

"Fine. But take care of Kuroko, Satoru. Don't lose sight of him." Riko reminded but Satoru grinned, "Oh, I will never."

Feeling slightly off at his reply and attitude towards Kuroko, Riko took note about asking Hyuuga and the others later while telling Satoru and Kuroko to just go to where they need to go.

Getting both of their things and scooping Tetsuya up like a sack of potatoes, Satoru dashed out of the changing rooms assigned to the team.

"Where are we going?" asks Kuroko.

"Emperor wants to meet with us two. Besides, I'm sure you want to hear the explanations," replies Satoru.

He placed Kuroko down and the light blue haired male reached out to hold on to the older male's shirt, making Satoru chuckle at how cute Kuroko acts.

The two entered an establishment called Memory Cafe as specified by the Emperor. Satoru saw Akashi sitting on a table at the corner in the left side and he dragged Kuroko and sat him down between himself and the glass window while Akashi sat in front of them.

"Good to see you again, Emperor." With a firm and crisp tone, Satoru greeted Akashi. "Hello, Akashi-kun." Kuroko followed. "Glad you two made it, Satoru, Tetsuya." Akashi replied to the two with a nod.

A waiter attended to them and the three ordered some dessert and cold drinks, wanting to get rid of the extra and unnecessary person so that they could discuss what they need to discuss. When the waiter left to prepare their order, Akashi linked his fingers together, his elbows resting on the table while his eyes bore to them.

"My dear Tetsuya, since I dislike making you uncomfortable, I will refrain myself, mostly, from calling your former captain by his first name."

Tooru took over. His eyes twinkled in amusement as Tetsuya lightly glared at him, slightly embarrassed that Tooru mentioned his uneasiness about the name calling for his former captain.

Akashi's eyes slid over to Tetsuya, an annoying smirk playing on his lips.

"I see you are uncomfortable in him calling me Seijuro, Tetsuya. Worry not, I have my eyes set on someone else. Someone much more difficult of a challenge that getting your lover."

Tetsuya did not like his words but he kept his emotions at bay, "Good to know, Akashi-kun."

"Tetsuya, Akashi and I have known each other since we were children. My mother and his parents used to go to the same school together and are friends. That is how I know him. History is cleared up." Satoru bluntly relayed the information.

"Indeed." Akashi agrees.

"Since you are observant, I know that you know about the change between Satoru and I. To formally introduce myself, I am Tooru. Satori's alter ego a.k.a. his other personality. Yes, just like Akashi but only kinder compared to him. "

Tooru motioned to Akashi in a disrespectful way, earning a warning from Akashi.

"Don't give me that look, Bokushi. I am still older and I demand respect, young one."

Tooru playfully spoke and Akashi shook his head, not believing that this guy is older and one of the very few people he would listen and see as an equal.

"We haven't seen each other much ever since the first death of my family. Why he calls me an emperor as well, I don't have a clue." Satoru, this time, spoke.

Akashi hums, staying silent as the waiter came back with their order. While they were eating, Akashi swallowed his food and drank his drink before speaking.

"Before the Generation of Miracles garnered the attention of the media, specifically me as a point guard, you were the top point guard every school wanted, Satoru. You have your own style of playing that makes it hard for others to decipher and you change your plays so quickly that it is hard to catch up. Sadly, you landed on a wrong team in high school and it resulted to your loss. Such wonderful talent wasted due to the inability of your team to catch up to you." Akashi's words made Satoru click his tongue in annoyance and Kuroko to stare at his former captain.

"You have the intellect, prowess and skills to challenge me and give me trouble, Mukami Satoru. The only one who can rival me as a point guard." Akashi finished.

Satoru wiped his lips away from the stains and took hold of Kuroko's hand, freeing it from its fisted form and he laced their fingers together underneath the table.

"Enough, Akashi. We are going now." The curt words of the oldest male present cued Tetsuya that they're going and he grabbed his bag before Satoru could and both stood up.

"My offer for you to switch to my side is still and will always be open. Two emperors ruling together would be unbeatable and we will remain victors." Akashi comments.

"Two rulers can't work together in one kingdom. One will lead with a higher power while the other would have the lesser. That is why there is only one king in each kingdom and ranks different from the other. Remember that, Akashi." Satoru retorts.

"You are as screwed up as always, Bokushi. I pity the one who caught your eyes. What would Oreshi think? A fact before our departure, there is no kingdom that hasn't experienced their fall. Yours will come soon, Emperor."

"Let's just go, Satoru, Tooru," Kuroko tugged and Satoru obliged with his request, not wanting Kuroko to feel even more uncomfortable with Akashi's presence.

Before they exited the cafe, they heard Akashi's final retort.

"I will not fall." 

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