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Cl0ud: Picture ain't mine


Kuroko stood by Satoru's side. His blue eyes being focused on his lovers lips which curled into a playful smirk. He's been wearing that smirk since yesterday, the day when their supposed to be opponent forfeited just because of stomach ache. Satoru just laughed and continuously mocked them of their cowardice openly but he stopped when Kuroko told him to, though.

"You can't forget yesterday, Satoru?" Kuroko spoke up, gaining Satoru's attention. "I just can't. They looked like they saw you guys as demons; pitiful. They even had the audacity to mock us when they entered. Its only right that I mock them back." Satoru replies, blandly looking at Kuroko who returned it with another bland look.

"Its still not good to mock them that badly." Kuroko chided monotonously. Satoru closed his eyes and moved to Kuroko's back, his hands on the smaller boys shoulders, pushing him to walk forwards, "You won't do that again, right?" Kuroko clears.

"Yes, yes. I won't do it again, dear. Now, look at me, you'll see proof." Satoru, with a mischievous glint in his eyes, said. Kuroko tilted his head to look at him and his face flushes to a deep red when Satoru's lips captured his in a swift kiss.

"There, understanding sealed." Satoru and Kuroko caught up with the others and went to prepare for their fourth match; Seiho vs. Seirin.


The game finished and they were back to their locker room. Luckily, they managed to win and beat the school Satoru and the second years versed with last year—wait, Satoru was already gone by that time, so its the school Hyūga and the others versed with WITHOUT Satoru.

Riko and the rest could feel an ominous atmosphere around Satoru who sat at the corner floor of the room, hugging his knees as he crouched down. Izuki could imagine the words Satoru keeps on mumbling fly up and around the crushed boy.

"He's a rival. He's a rival. Must kill. Must beat. Must kill. Must beat. Rival. Rival. Rival." Satoru repeatedly says.

Fukuda whispers to Tsuchida, "Sempai, what's wrong with Satoru-sempai?" Tsuchida thinks and remembers what Hyuga said to them. "Remember Hyuga saying that Satoru is currently attached to Kuroko? He becomes all clingy and possessive? Maybe its that." Fukuda worriedly looks at Kuroko then back to Satoru.

"He's much more clingy to Kuroko..." Hyuga, who heard them, sighed, "Kuroko did manage to bring him back to basketball. Seems he's closer to Kuroko."

" something about him." Riko whispered.

Kuroko tapped Satoru's shoulder. The blond glasses wearing teen, glanced at him with his lips purses and his face unemotional.


"Please stop torturing Tsugawa-kun mentally, Satoru." Kuroko says.

"I'm not torturing him, I am killing him." Satoru hisses.

"Sorry, my mistake. But, can you get out of there?" Satoru sat beside Kuroko on a bench at the center. His anger washed away when he saw the peacefully sleeping Kagami, lips curling to a sinister smirk.

"Oh, kitty really likes to nap. Such wild kitty~ let me take pictures for blackmail ~" Satoru snapped pictures of Kagami sleeping. "Satoru! Stop that! Kagami needs to rest!" Riko stops him and he glared at her before sitting to where Kuroko is.

He lifted Kuroko to his lap and leaned his chin on Kuroko's shoulder with his arms wounded on his waist.

Kawahara gaped and pulled Fukuda to look at the two, the later gaping as well which caught everyone's attention.

"What's wrong, you two?" Hyuga asked his underclassmen and they blushed red when they pointed to the two.

"M-M-Mukami-sempai is h-h-hugging...... *explodes*" the two stuttered out before steam erupted from their ears and they fell to the ground, luckily got caught by Mitobe and Koganei.

The second years looked at the said two and Hyuga yelled in surprise. "Oi, Satoru! What the hell are you doing?! " Satoru just glided his eyes lazily to Hyuha's flushed face and raised an eyebrow, "Tetsuya is light and small, just enough to place my head on his shoulders. Got a problem with that?" He slurred lazily.

Kuroko pinched Satoru's hand when he heard small, "I'm not small, Satoru. I'm medium." He reprimanded softly. "Ouch." Satoru whined lowly.

Kuroko was suddenly ripped away from his hold and is currently dangling in the air, being held by Riko while he's in chibi. Hyuga and Koganei shook Satoru back and forth.

"Gaaaahhhh! Kuroko-kun! Sorry for Satoru!" Riko apologized.

"Sa-to-ru! You can't just do that! You're a guy, dammit! Don't freaking harass Kuroko! He's still innocent!" Hyuga yells. "Poor Kuroko!" Koganei joined in.

"That's not a good idea, you know." Izuki muttered and sat beside Kagami, Mitobe smart enough to follow. Tsuchida and Furihata blinking, slowly getting to the corners as far away from Satoru.

"Give me Tetsuya." Satoru said slowly.

"Kuroko-kun! You shouldn't just let Satoru do that!" Riko continued.

"That was wrong, Satoru! As sempai's, we do not taint the kohais!" Koganei cried.

"You're a man! Don't do that to a child!" Hyuga scolded.

"Give Tetsuya back, you shits!" Satoru growls loudly and Hyuga and Koganei stepped back. Riko was silent by the blondes outburst and let's go of Kuroko.

Satoru picked up chibi Kuroko and shook him to return him to normal then buried his face to the light blue haired boys chest, exhaling and inhaling deeply.

Kuroko gently ruffles Satoru's hair and deadpanned at his upperclassmen, "You sempais are so mean. Satoru was only holding me, there was nothing wrong. "

Hyuga and the rest cried.

"He's too innocent for Satoru!"

Kagami blinked at the sight.

"Errr— isn't it time for our next match?" Kagami ruined their crying moment.

"The match!" They yell in alarm.

"Let's go!" Riko rushed to where the courts are along with the team. Kuroko and Satoru are following behind. Satoru carrying Kuroko as he ran to catch up.

"Damn Riko. Damn time." He cursed.

Satoru placed Kuroko down and lightly pecked his lips before they stepped to the court.

"Let him feel how losing feels like."

"Hai, Satoru."

"Seirin High versus Shutoku High, line up!"

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