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"Satoru-san!" Kuroko stopped running and hunched forward, his breathing erratic since he ran to catch up with Satoru who was waiting at the bench near the sports center where they played and sweat dripped down his face.

"Geez, Kuroko, you shouldn't have fuckin* ran. Look at you now, you're dripping with sweat and your breathing is fast. Here." Satoru patted his underclassman's back and handed him a bottle of water.

Kuroko calmed his breathing down and accepted the bottle, grateful for Satoru. When he finished drinking, Satoru pulled out his own face towel and wiped the sweat which decorated the light blue haired teens face. Kuroko felt his stomach lurch and do somersaults, his heart threatening to jump out of his body.

He could feel Satoru's breath fanning his face due to their close proximity since the tall blonde bent down to look at his face closely due to the dark setting. His blue eyes trailed to the blondes golden orbs which is blocked by his glasses and Kuroko felt himself heating up.

"There, all clean. Are you okay now?" Satoru asks. Scratching his cheek, Kuroko replied a quick yes.

Satoru wanted to give Kuroko a prize since his team did win in today's match but he doesn't have any clue as to what he'll get for his underclassman. He doesn't want to beat around the bush since it would be tiring and he doesn't like doing that, so he went to his usual assault, speaking bluntly.

"Kuroko, what do you want as a reward?"

This question caught Kuroko by surprise. Reward? Why is he asking for such a thing? His inner question seemed to have been guessed by Satoru, "You won today, idiot. Winners deserve a reward. "  Oh, so that's what he meant. Thinking for what he wanted, Kuroko tugged on the taller males sleeve, "Vanilla Milkshake. Let's go to Maji Burgers, Satoru-san." Kuroko said.

Humming, Satoru walked forward and noticed that the smaller boy was lagging behind him so he lessened his pace and his hand swayed backward to capture the shadows own and his other hand slithered to take Kuroko's duffelbag and slings it on his free hand.

Kuroko's face had dusts of dull red, feeling hot as if he caught a cold and stiff. " hand..."he stuttered and Satoru stares at him with a raised eyebrow. " Idiot, you're too slow and you're lagging behind me. This way, its fast and you won't be left behind. Did you catch that wild kitty's stupidity?" Satoru scoffs.

"Ah, no. Please don't call Kagami-kun stupid even if its true." Kuroko replies. Satoru's eyes danced with laughter though a deep chuckle emitted from his lips, another thing that caused Kuroko's heartbeat to quicken.

"For a cutie, you use your words creatively." Satoru comments and tugged the smaller boy forward with him, the two walking to Maji Burger.

The walk consisted of small laughter and insults from Satoru with Kuroko commenting about the game in honest words. When they arrived, Kuroko was told to pick a table for two while Satoru went to the cashier to order. Getting one vanilla milkshake and one chocolate milkshake, he rolled his eyes at the flirty tone the female cashier used and ignored her for the rest of the time.

Satoru gave Kuroko his milkshake and the two drank in peaceful silence. Kuroko saw Satoru narrow his eyes and fumble something before his glasses gleamed and Satoru reached to place his headphones on Kuroko's ears, music blasting.

Kuroko regarded Satoru with confused and curious eyes while the blonde smiled, his index finger going to his lips before his attention moved away from him.

With anger bubbling up inside him, Satoru stoically moved his eyes to the fidgeting female standing at the side of their table. She wore blue skirts that barely reached her knee and highly exposing clothes that showed so much skin, the fidgeting driving the blonde to the brink of exploding in anger.

"U-Umm.... A-Are you alone?" her squeaky voice made him grit his teeth. "Why?" he hissed. "C-Can I sit with you? My name is Ari—" the girl was cut off by Satoru's glare and venomous voice.

"Are you really that dumb and blind? My friend is here, stupid. Buzz off, bitch."

Tears welled up the girls eyes and she left their table, going g back to her friends who were eyeing Satoru earlier as if he was meat. He hated those types of women. Women who only aawn over men just because of their looks , fame or status.

Finishing his milkshake, he offered a hand to Kuroko who questioningly gazed at him. Rolling his eyes, the irritated blonde, grabbed Kuroko's hand and his duffelbag, dragging him out of the burger joint.

Satoru stopped. He took his headphones off of Kuroko and hung them on his neck. "Lead the way to your house." Satoru spoke, his hand not leaving Kuroko's and Kuroko, who hasn't even finished his milkshake, nodded and walked forward first.

On their way to his house, Kuroko failed to notice the golden orbs stuck staring on him, his mind too busy to comprehend his heart to even notice the stare. Satoru just couldn't keep his eyes away from Kuroko. His mind wondered how he would feel if he runs his hand through the smaller boys baby blue hair, how he would feel when that small body is pressed to his larger one, how his lips would feel when that enticing pair of lips would smash on his. His golden orbs trailed down to the younger ones nape and neck, as if it was inviting him to latch his lips on it and leave bites and red marks on his pale skin.

His hand gripped Kuroko's tighter.

He's loving this warmth.

Soon, they arrived at Kuroko's house. Standing in front of the gate, Satoru leaned down and planted a kiss on Kuroko's hand before handing his duffelbag and bidding goodbye, a smirk on his lips as he turned and left the madly blushing, yet clueless, boy there.

When Kuroko came inside, his duffelbag slipped from his shoulders as his hands cupped his warm cheeks, his heart hammering so hard.

'A k-kiss?!'


Hey, its Cloud! How are you guys doing?!

I'm so thankful for you guys reading this!

Please don't forget to vote if you like the chapter and comment if you wanna say anything.

Thanks again!


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