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"Ha? Are you out of your f*****g  mind?! Why the f**k should I tell you?!" Satoru laughed and let's go of Kuroko's collar.

Observing the lowerclassman, Satoru smirks before trapping Kuroko between the wall and him, his hands caging Kuroko.

The teal haired boy didn't know why but his face suddenly heated up when he felt Satoru' s breath fanning his face. He could smell the faint scent of fabric conditioner mixed with vanilla and he felt his heart beat resonate around his body.

"You're kinda cute, now that I take a closer look at you. Probably the cutest thing I've seen." Satoru whispers huskily.

"I don't wanna disappoint you cutie but...." nuzzling Kuroko, Satoru leaned in close to his ear, "basketball just doesn't interest me anymore. I changed my mind too; instead of breaking you, I'll let you run around instead. Entertain me, boy."

With that, Satoru leaned away and left Kuroko there by himself.

Finally getting a grip on himself, Kuroko placed a hand on his chest where his heart should be and exhaled deeply, as if he just ran a marathon without stopping.

What's happening to me?

I Love You (KurokoXMale!OC)Where stories live. Discover now