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Kuroko hurried in getting out of his classroom, Kagami trailing behind him as they set off to the place where the team would usually eat together.

Kagami had noticed Kuroko daydreaming, no, distracted in class ever since they had Momoi coming. Not only Kuroko, the whole team could notice his less interaction with Satoru.

Its not Kuroko avoiding him though, its Satoru. The guy just keeps on adjusting his glasses and giving them training regimes while being completely silent. No sarcastic remarks or teasing have happened to Kagami from the said blonde. Its freaking him out.

Hyuga had said that maybe Satoru is on his way to recovery and would eventually stop clinging to Kuroko but it baffled the team when the opposite happens. Now, Satoru isn't the one being clingy but Kuroko is.

Kuroko keeps on trying to talk to Satoru, even pulling him in to their conversation but the blonde would just stare then blink then move to another person, no words spoken.

"Jeez, Kuroko, Kagami! You two are five minutes late!" Koganei complained childishly while Furihata, who arrived earlier than the two, smiled and beckoned them to come over.

Kuroko's baby blue eyes swept over the area and he slumped down when he didn't see his lover there. He took note that his coach, Riko, wasn't there too but he didn't pay much attention since she might be busy for the team. They have a game against Too two days from now.

They started to eat their lunch and their peaceful time was broken when they heard loud footsteps and a familiar voice speaking quite loudly.

Riko came to their view and the boys wondered what got her so angry and frowning, one hand massaging her temple while the other sways on her side, holding to her wrapped up lunch.

Their eyes shifted to the taller male walking a few steps in front of her who donned on his headphones and his hands lazily swinging on his sides, his lunch held on one hand.

Satoru was looking away from her, irritation on his face. Honestly, he doesn't care about her rants and scolding. He did what he wanted to do to vent out. And those guys took violence first. He merely defended and went to deliver the blow to make them break. Targeting the mind is easy for teens since they still aren't that strong enough. He enjoyed it.

Kuroko's eyes twisted to concern when he saw the band-aid on Satoru's left cheek and nose bridge. Their were light bruises on his face and neck too while both of his hands are covered in bandages. What has he been doing?

"Coach, what happened to Satoru?" Kuroko thanked his voice for not cracking and stuttering while Riko regarded him with a pleading and desperate look.

"Hyuuga, Kuroko-kun! Can't you do something about this idiot? I found him beating three third years behind the building! This is his fourth time this week! The nurse was concerned and scared for him since he came back in the clinic the third time in consecutive days!" Riko released her frustration and Hyuuga gave Satoru a slap behind his head.

"What now?" Satoru spoke with no interest.

"You idiot! Stop worrying our coach and stop beating people up! I thought you don't harm people that much. Honestly, Satoru, you should think about yourself and other people." Hyuuga scolded and Satoru removed his headphones and sat on a place shaded from the sun.

"They came to me. They wanted to punch me since I somehow 'stole' their girlfriends attention. Jealousy got to them. They took up violence. I defended. I broke them. Simple." Satoru replied.

Hyuuga narrowed his eyes, "Broke them? Satoru, what did you do?"

"Why, its not so hard to understand, Junpei. I broke their will." He said it so simple.

"I've known you since we were kids, Satoru. You don't want to see anyone break, losing their will. That's what got you out from the court. You hate watching them crack." Hyuuga stated sharply.

Satoru looked down on his half eaten lunch, his face shadowed but they could clearly see the gleam of his glasses and the grin on his lips.

"I hate it. Indeed, I do. But there's this satisfaction that swells up in me when I see them break, when their eyes lose color. I hate it so much. But it seems to never leave me. My mother, father and brother had those eyes. And I love seeing others have them but I also despise it. "

Riko and the rest had confused faces.

Kuroko didn't, though. His eyes just stared at Satoru while in his mind, he wanted to do nothing more than to console him and shower him with kisses or whatever he needs just to make him better.

"Don't butt in. My business is my f*****g business."

"But, Satoru!"

"Aida. Junpei. The rest of you aren't excluded from it."

He steps away and a very intimidating atmosphere pressed on them,

"I'll break you when I need to. Don't tempt me."

Satoru walked away from them and the second years released a deep breath they didn't know they were holding.

"What the hell happened?! He was himself just a few days ago! Why is he back to THAT again?! How?!" Satoru's closer friends (Hyuuga, Koganei, and Izuki) exclaimed, their index finger pointed to the closing door.

The phantom sixth man just stared sadly and closed his lunch box, standing up and excusing himself quietly. Kagami thought he was talking to his shadow but when his eyes landed on the place where Kuroko was, his eyes bulged when he found the phantom not there.





Hey guys! It's Cloud/ Raito! I hope you like my story.

Please don't forget to vote and comment your opinion for this chapter or this story.

Here's some teaser:

"S-Satoru? No, you're not him..... Who are you?"

"Tsk,tsk,tsk.... You really made Satoru unstable enough to send me to the box forcefully. He even got the guts to shut me in.   I don't even know what happened while I was asleep but dang, I'm sure as hell that it involves you."

"What? Because"

"Why don't we ask dear Satoru, eh, Kuroko?"

"Who are you?"

"Tooru at your service."

"You're like..... Akashi-kun...."

"Ah, that story is for another time. Right, Satoru?~"

"Shut it, Tooru."


Yep, that's it. The next chapter is already ready. I made it my rule to never post a chapter unless another chapter. complete, in in draft. Chapter 24 will come in a week or just days. If I have money to go to an internet shop. Hahahaha, broke my phone again :)

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