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Riko watched the team plunge their body to the water, then going up then back down again in tune to her whistle. Satoru lazed around the bench away from the water, looking o er the training regimes he and Riko talked about and the schedule they have.

"Okay! Let's take a break, everyone!" Riko shouted and chorus of agreement and 'finally' echoed in the closed swimming pool they borrowed from the swimming team.

"Gah, Kuroko! Stop floating!" Hyuga exclaims when he saw Kuroko still on the water, his feet not touching the bottom and his body floating on the surface.

Satoru sighs and walks over to the edge, easily getting inside the water with his short and shirt (up to his stomach only) wet and scooped Kuroko bridal style.

Furihata, Koganei, Kawahara and Fukuda blushed but said nothing, getting used to the older male doing intimate actions to their short teammate.

"Put me down , Satoru." Kuroko said but Satoru didn't listen. He laid Kuroko on the bench and telling him to at least rest while he talks to Riko about their schedule and training. 

Kuroko rose up from the bench when Riko blew on her whistle and the boys started going back to the pool to start training again, save for Kagami.

Satoru sighed, standing up and telling Riko that he'll just go and grab some drink from the vending machine and took one last look of Kuroko before slipping away from them.

Unknown to him, a pink haired girl stepped inside.

Hey, Satoru. I have this uneasy feeling and its making me damn irritated. Mind if I gut out your stomach and hypothalamus?

What the heck? Do you actually expect me to just say 'Yes' and let your freaking kill us both, stupid?

You didn't question the hypothalamus.

I ain't stupid like you; I know that the hypothalamus is the one in charge for our feelings/ emotions, so don't you plan on trying to outsmart me. We share the same knowledge.

Spare me from your great words of wisdom, O Great Satoru.

Well, spare me from your useless and utterly annoying words, Tooru.

He pressed the strawberry milk buttoncand took out the can from below, plunging the straw and took a sip.

He silently made his way back to the nearby gym, Tooru still complaining about the uneasy feeling they feel. Honestly, Satoru wants to gut out his stomach too but that would mean that he'd die and leave Tetsuya so no, he wouldn't.

He's not some weak human shut to do that. His mother, father and brother are, but not him.

Its just a feeling. Nothing serious like committing a crime of cheating in terms of love and relationship. Nope, he loves Tetsuya way too much, probably on the verge of obsessing. But, he's not some yandere, is he? Uh, this is totally not helping him right now. 

He stopped by the shadow of the entrance and his himself when he heard the name of his lover spoken by a higher pitch, belonging to a female, in such a distasteful manner, for him.

"Tetsu-kun! I'm so glad to see you! I missed you!"

I Love You (KurokoXMale!OC)Where stories live. Discover now