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Kuroko glumly sat on his seat. His face doesn't show it but he truly is sad by the result of the InterHigh. Seirin had lost against Too, thus ending their journey to the InterHigh. Kuroko failed to defeat Aomine Daiki and Kagami has been acting different since the loss and the Seirin team all went into a depressed state. 

But that doesn't end his problem. No, not yet. 

There's still Satoru. His lover who hasn't been talking to him since the day they had training on the pool. He could still remember the eyes that watched him from the shadows near the entrance that day. Kuroko wants to talk to him, to confide his problems and confusion to his beloved but how can he do that when Satoru is not here? 

He needs to go talk to the guy. Satoru is a guy, most guys wants to solve their problems on their own way, own method. They release or vent out their anger or whatever they're feeling in many ways and Kuroko didn't know how Satoru would vent out his. All he knew was the Satoru before he met him who usually breaks the people who dared to challenge him. 

Plus, what was up with what he said up in the rooftop days before the InterHigh match occurred? Is he back to his old ways again? But didn't Satoru tell him that he hates watching people lose their light? Come to think of it, he only knows what happened to Satoru's life through a rather lengthy summary from their captain. Satoru didn't even attend the Too versus Seirin match. Where could he be?

The bell rang, indicating the end of classes for the day and for the week. Riko had given them the day-off on Saturday to cool down their nerves and possibly reflect on their actions and mistakes during the last lost match. 

The light blue haired teen quickly disappeared from Kagami's side and went out an adventure to find and locate the second year manager.

When he passed by the Classical Music Club's spare room, a hand gripped his wrist and pulled him inside. Another hand snaked to his waist and pulled him closer until his back collided with a persons chest, a male to be exact. The familiar scent wafted to his nose and Kuroko calmed himself, now knowing who the mysterious student is, Satoru. Just the person he was looking for. 

" Hm....what should I do? Oh, what should I do, my master? I, your servant, just wanted to spend my off-duty time alone yet look what I managed to drag inside my humble abode? A cute little friend of yours that is similar to a phantom and a magician combined. " his deep voice had a childish sound that Kuroko hadn't heard from Satoru and his atmosphere seemed rather different; the same but a slight twist to it. 

Kuroko got this feeling that this isn't Satoru, the tone and the feeling in his gut told him so, but how could he deny his gut-feeling when his mind is sure that the person holding him is indeed Satoru Mukami, the hair and the clothing style says it all.

Who is this person? Is he impersonating Satoru? If he is, then he almost got the looks to a perfect knot but not the action and tone of voice. It's deep, yes, similar to Satoru but not at the same time. It's confusing. 

"S-Satoru? No, you're not him..... Who are you?"

Kuroko accused. Now, his gut-feeling worsened. It felt like how it did when he witnessed his captains change in persona back in Teiko Middle School. Could Satoru have the same thing as his former captain?

"Tsk,tsk,tsk.... You really made Satoru unstable enough to send me to the box forcefully. He even got the guts to shut me in.  I don't even know what happened while I was asleep but dang, I'm sure as hell that it involves you."

'Satoru' replied. 'Satoru' twirled Kuroko around and waltzed the two of them at the center of the spacey room, stopping near the closed piano.  

"What? Because" Kuroko asks in confusion. 

'Satoru' chuckled at the cuteness Kuroko possessed when he asked and let him go. Kuroko stumbled forward but managed to catch his footing and swirled around to properly look at 'Satoru'.

"Why don't we ask dear Satoru, eh, Kuroko?" 

His blue eyes narrowed at the use of 'we' and 'Satoru', as if this isn't Satoru at all.

"Who are you?"

"Tooru at your service."

Realization hit the light blue haired teen and he looked straightly to Tooru who now wore a grin. 

"You're like..... Akashi-kun...." Kuroko spoke. 

"Ah, that story is for another time. Right, Satoru?~"

"Shut it, Tooru." came the immediate reply of Satoru who had a frown embedded on his face. He clicked his tongue in annoyance since Tooru woke up untimely and just had to take over and talk to Kuroko. Now his little secret is out. Thank heavens that punk didn't tell him about that damn emperor; he even called their-selves a servant. 

"Satoru?" Kuroko approached him slowly and Satoru clicked his tongue again, "I'm not a damn predator that just bites anyone who comes close to me, Tetsuya. " the blonde hissed and Kuroko shook his head. "I was just making sure. My head is quite in a mess due to the InterHigh and I am not currently thinking straight." Kuroko replied. 

"Hm, you lost- I mean, we lost. Guess we got outmatched by that Aomine guy for now. Wild kitty can't match up to him yet." Satoru spoke calmly. Kuroko noticed his calmness compared to the attitude he had days before. 

"Where were you?I wanted to run to you that time." Kuroko realized what he said and flushed a bit while Satoru glanced down at the slightly red  Tetsuya. He bent down and lifted Tetsuya's head, kissing his lips lightly and pulling apart as fast as the kiss came. Kuroko got redder.

"My mother's death anniversary." was the simple reply. 

Satoru took Tetsuya's hand and led the boy out of the room, taking both their bags as they left the school together. 

Before Tetsuya entered his house, Satoru pecked his forehead and smiled genuinely at him, something Tetsuya hadn't seen for what may be a week and what he needed to see to ease some of his worries a bit. 

"I'll pick you up at nine tomorrow. I'll train your other abilities such as shooting, dribbling and decision making tomorrow. Make sure to bring your training materials; don't worry about the ball and court stuff, I have it all in my place."

Satoru walked away when Tetsuya finally entered his home and he stuffed his hand in his pocket while the other held his messenger bag. 

'I'll stop thinking about that woman for now. She can't take Tetsuya away from me. I won't let her. If a peaceful way won't work, I'll just have to get rougher then. '

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