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Satoru gazed at Kuroko with warm eyes. Though the blue haired male may look monotone, he actually expresses his emotions on his face as well.

His baby blue eyes gleaming when he's happy or excited. His lips curling to a pout or downwards when he doesn't get what he wants or is sad. The way his eyebrows furrow when he's thinking hard or imagining something.

He loved the way Kuroko expresses his emotions. He looks funny at times too.

His golden brown eyes brimmed with delight when he saw a certain dark red haired male cowering away from the team.

"Kagami, what are you doing?" Riko voiced out, holding the puppy, named as Nigou (Tetsuya Number 2, in English). The rest of the team looked at him.

Satoru teasingly chuckled, his right hand covering his lips to stifle it but failed miserably.

"Could it be that the kitty of the wilderness is afraid of a cutie puppy?" He teased.

Kagami would have growled and retort back but his current dilemma is more important than that stupid teasing.

"A-ah.... I-I'm not really good with dogs...." He tried to say it without stuttering and with respect but the members just continued to stare at him like he had grown several more heads.

"Pfft! Wild kitty's weakness is a dog. How lame." Satoru says.

Kuroko sent him a reprimanding look and Satoru whines, "What? It is lame." Kuroko shakes his head, "Don't tease Kagami-kun so much, Satoru. He might blow up, and if he does, who will be my light in the court?"

Satoru breathes in satisfaction, "He'll only be your light in the court only." He chirps.


'The silence is taking a bit longer.' Satoru thought.

"I shall toss this cute puppy to you!" Satoru threatens happily, acting to scoop Nigou up and Kagami froze in fear.

That seemed to snap the other guys and Riko up, "What?!"


Satoru was watching the practice game between the second years and first years, save for Kagami, intently.

He's only been gone for months but he can sense that Hyuga and Izuki have grown in skills. Mitobe is also on the way in perfecting his scoop shot while Tsuchida is still good at rebounding, probably better. Koganei is still Koganei, a jack of all trades but a master of none, however, his percentage of shooting the ball to the hoop increased.

Fukuda, Furihata and Kawahara still had many, many flaws but nothing time can't clean and progress.

Kuroko needs to have more stamina and speed. Strengthening his leg power and prolonging his stamina would do him good.

For every shot a member makes, Satoru and the rest could hear Nigou's bark. The dog entered the gym, happily making its way beside Riko and him.

It was currently the end of the first half, the players taking a break.

Satori snickered when he saw Kagami run away to the other door when Nigou came in.

"Ho~ is the wild kitty raising a white flag against the cute puppy again? How sad." He teased.

"S-Shut up! I-I-I'm not just in good terms with them!" Kagami argued. Satoru snickers again at how he made an excuse and excitedly watched as Kuroko picked up Nigou and went closer to Kagami.

"Kagami-kun, please try to get along with Nigou. He's a nice dog." Kuroko stated, a hint of sadness in his tone.

"Dang, Kuroko is really closing go to Kagami with Nigou." Koganei said as he watched the Ace for their team cower away, trembling like a leaf when the dog came closer with its owner.

"Shouldn't we help Kagami?" Kawahara asked, not wanting Kagami to suffer more.

"How about it, Satoru? Wanna help him?" Hyuga nudged Satoru. Satoru eyed his childhood friend, "Oh no. Don't do it. Let the kitten bond with the puppy. It may prove that opposites really do attract."

"Let this be his karma for not listening to his upperclassmen most of the time. He gets way too hot headed in games then he doesn't listen to us." Hyuga smiled widely with a hint of triumph.


"D-Don't look at me with those eyes, Kuroko!" Kagami yells.

"What eyes?! Oi, you're not allowed to see them when I haven't seen them yet, kitty!" Satoru sprints to where the two are.

Riko deadpanned, "He sure got there fast."

"Ah, the puppy eyed the owner with puppy eyes so the owner eyed his friend with puppy eyes but the owner does not have the puppy's eyes." Izuki muttered, writing it to his notebook.

Hyuga groaned, "Stop it, Izuki."

"Stop chasing me, Kuroko! Take that mutt away from me!" Kagami yells as he runs away from Kuroko who chased him who is also being chased by Satoru who wore an annoyed look.

"Come back here, you wild furball! Let me gouge out your eyes!" Satoru yells.

The seirin team just watched the trio run around. Though, the second years thought as they looked at each other,

'Is he really a second year student?'

Extra part:

Satoru held Kuroko captive in his arms and he sneered at Kagami who is on the floor, trembling, with Satoru's foot on his back.

"Wild kitty~ let me gouge out your eyes~ you saw Tetsuya being adorable, that's a sin to all save for me. Now, give me your freaking eyes!" Satoru sang.

"Heeee!" Kagami shrieked, quite manly for the situation.

Satoru stomped on Kagami's back while Kuroko kept on tugging his shirt.

"Stop it, Satoru. Don't ignore me. Don't hurt Kagami-kun even more. Stop it or no hugs." Kuroko reprimanded.

Satoru pouts and adjusts his glasses, looking away from the knocked out Kagami and acting similar to how a child would once the mother begins her scolding.


Nigou slips in.

Kuroko gently pushed Satoru a few steps away Kagami and crouched down near the dark red haired teen, catching his white soul which leaked out from his mouth with a hand and pushed it back inside, putting a towel (which he magically pulled out from who knows when and where) to cover Kagami's huge mouth.

"There. Kagami-kun should be fine for now." Kuroko says.

"Tch. I haven't even tossed Nigou to him yet." Satoru grumbled. Kuroko stood on his tiptoes and pats Satoru's head.

The seirin team could imagine Satoru growing ears and a tail by now.

"Please don't tease Kagami-kun so much. His soul might fly quite far and it would be a hassle to catch it." Kuroko said.

Satoru salutedly similar to how Westerners would, "Roger that, captain!"

"I'm not the captain, Hyuga-senpai is. "

"But you're my captain, captain Tetsuya!"

"How am I your captain?"

"Damn it. Just accept that sentence of mine and quit asking questions that totally exclaims how innocent you are. "

"How does—"

"Shush, child. Just listen to the Great and Mighty upperclassman."

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