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Cl0ud: Picture ain't mine.


As soon as Tetsuya closed his door, Satoru let's out a deep breath that he, himself didn't know he was holding. He saw how their eyes looked. Tetsuya's parents aren't sure whether they'd want to accept their relationship or not. They can come between them anytime.

Now, this is where he starts to worry.

Satoru sat on the floor with his legs crossed (he's sitting Indian style) and his left hand covering the left side of his face. His right hand took of his glasses and he bit his lip.

Tetsuya noticed how Satoru is acting and crouched down in front of him. With Nigou in his arms, Tetsuya innocently tilts his head when he stared at Satoru's golden brown orbs.

"Why are you worried now, Satoru? Mom, dad and grandmom already agreed." He asks.

Opening his arms, Satoru invited Tetsuya in and the light blue haired boy made himself comfortable in sitting on Satoru's lap. Satoru wrapped his arms on Tetsuya's waist.

Burying his face by the crook of Tetsuya's neck, Satoru inhales and exhales softly, tickling Tetsuya's neck.

"I'm worried. Your parents seemed to be hesitating. They still are. If it weren't for Kimiko-san..... They may not have agreed. I don't want to let you go." Satoru didn't process what he said and just let himself speak what his mind wanted him to.

"You're the only I can lean on. You're the only I don't wanna break. If I can't hold you, cutie, I don't think I can stop making whoever I want to break and fall."

The other part of Satoru spoke.

This is when the two parts of him collide and merge. Now that Tetsuya is here, the surfaced part of Satoru won't have to lean and depend on his unsurfaced part; his unsurfaced part could now lean on the surfaced one. The two parts are finally back to its own place. Its own role.

"We need to sleep, Satoru. YOU need to sleep. Worrying too much about that will not help you. We got approval from mom and dad, that's enough. " Tetsuya reassured.

Satoru chuckles and rubs his thumbs on Tetsuya's waist playfully before he unhooked his arms to let him lay on the bed.

The futon had already been prepared and he sat there.

"Right. You still have practice tomorrow. Wake me up as well, okay? I'm coming with you." Satoru tucked Tetsuya in and kisses his forehead.

Before Satoru could lie on his own futon, Tetsuya raised his head from his blanket, held Satoru's hand and smiled, "I love you, Satoru."

Rolling his eyes, Satoru replies,

"Idiot. Love you too, you innocent gentleman."


When the lights flickered off in Tetsuya's room, Aika tiptoes and silently closes the door of her sons room and went in to her and her husbands.

Tokiya was already on the bed with the blanket covering his lower extremities, calmly sitting and reading a novel. His eyes slid to his wife and Aika smiles.

"We don't need to be worried. Tetsuya is in safe hands. I understand now." She spoke softly.

The father of the light blue haired boy closes his eyes, "If you say so."

// Author's Note//

Cloud: Kuroko looks so cute up there, right?? Anyway, thank you for reading this book, guys! There's still more up ahead and I am currently piling up the drafts for the Akashi fanfic I'm planning to publish so please wait patiently.

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