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After winning, Hyuga wanted to ask questions on Kuroko but he couldn't see the phantom boy. Asking Riko about his teammate, the brunette answered with a calm tone that Kuroko went ahead along with Satoru.

The second years wondered about how Kuroko managed to make Satoru come to watch their match. How he managed to properly talk with the blonde with no indications of being provoked or mentally beaten by the only Mukami left. 

Hyuga was about to forget his questions and focus on taking the team back to their school when he heard the conversation between Koganei and Mitobe.

"Mitobe, don't you think it's quite strange? Even when Satoru was still on the team, he was always saying mean things, even to Hyuga who is his childhood friend! But to actually converse with Kuroko without insulting him directly, doesn't that strike you as strange?" Koganei said.

Hyuga leaned closer to hear more. Mitobe was silent as always and even without words, Koganei had gotten his reply, "Maybe he likes him more than us? Oi, you hurt me, Mitobe! Satoru always gave me some of his lunch when I left mine at home! I thought he liked me more! Were friends!" He whines.

Izuki tapped Hyuga's shoulder and pointed to the coach who was calling the captain's attention earlier. Hyuga recalled something from his childhood and his lips opened, "Ah."

Riko frowns when she heard what Hyuga blurted and she glared at the bespectacled teen. Kagami, Koganei, Mitobe, Izuki, Tsuchida, and the other players flinched when they saw the coach begin to crack her knuckles and fear crept up on them, feeling afraid for their captain who remains in the state of daze.

"Izuki, you still remember the time when I told you about Satoru's family years ago?" Hyuga asked the pun loving teen. Izuki nods, "I remember you said something about his mother dying." Hyuga snaps his finger, grabbing the rest of the teams attention.

"You see, after a couple of days of his mothers funeral, Satoru wouldn't let go of his big brother and would often follow him with or without permission. He's gotten severely attached to him, as if his brother would disappear in just a second." Hyuga elaborates.

Furihata watches his upperclassman with a confused look. "What do you mean, sempai?"

"Well, his brother died because of suicide just months after and Satoru, who stopped following his brother just a month and a half before his brother died, became attached again, to me. I didnt mind it at first, thinking that he needed a friend to talk with but what bothered me that time, was that, he didn't seem to be attached to his only family left. Satoru's father soon died a year later due to overdose of sleeping pills and that's when I noticed some changes in him." Hyuga explained.

"You said that he always glared at whoever at anyone who talked to you, right, Hyuga? I remember when an upperclassman bumped you without apologizing and Satoru quickly punched him." Izuki pointed out.

"Correct. Satoru began to act like how he did when his mother just died to his brother and got really attached to me. Though, it did stop a couple months before we graduated from middle school." Hyuga replies.

Riko gasps and looked at the black haired captain, "You mean, Satoru is attached to Kuroko right now?" Hyuga nodded. "But, sempai, nobody died, right? From what you said, I thought that bastard only gets attached when someone close to him dies," Kagami asks.

"Kagami's right, Hyuga. I don't understand." Koganei pipes up.

"Its not someone that died, its something." Riko answers.

"Riko's right, the thing that died, is Satoru's interest to play basketball. Basketball was the only memento he has left of both his mother and brother, and for him to lose interest of it, is similar to having them both die again, this time, in his mind." Hyuga summarized.

"So that bastards gonna be clinging to Kuroko?!" Kagami exclaims.

"Shut up, Bakagami! And yes, Satoru's gonna be attached, not cling!" Riko scolded.

Mitobe made hand gestures to Koganei and the jack of all trades but a master of none nods.

"Mitobe said that he's seen Kuroko follow Satoru some times though."

"Mou, enough about them, why can't you guys just let them be? Shouldn't you, we, be grateful that Satoru at least came to watch our game? That's enough. Kuroko and Satoru are friends, that's all we need to know." Riko clears up.

"Thats right. We should be thankful to Kuroko for at least talking some sense to that guy, even if its a bit. That guy needs a friend to rely on, and right now, its Kuroko." Hyuga concluded.

Izuki had a teasing grin as he elbowed Kagami's stomach lightly, "Hey, Kagami, are you mad that your shadow is straying from his light?"

Kagami's face went red and he immediately retorted, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT, SEMPAI?!"

"Izuki, shut up!" *

"I don't have boosters to make me fly up!"

"Go die!"

Authors Note:

He he he, this is Cl0ud~ I'm sorry, I'm totally bad at puns and I rarely do it, so forgive me for the bad puns I may include in the future.

Shut up = Shot up, shot up as in bolting upwards or going upwards. Its just a play of words. I think. Shut is spoken with the 'u' spoken quickly while shot is spoken with the 'o' pronounced clearly, not quickly. I think you get it. I'm sorry I'm bad at puns


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