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Cl0ud: Picture ain't mine.


Ignoring the stares and attention directed at him from the female population, Satoru coolly strides towards the gymnasium where the first game for the Inter High is to played.

His phone buzzed and he took it out of his pocket.

To: Attendant
From: Your Highness
Subject: Luck


      Good luck on your first game for the season. I hope to go against you again.

Sighing, his fingers tapped on the digital keyboard.

To: Your Highness
From: Attendant
Subject: Re: Luck

       I'm not playing that sport. Lost interest.

An immediately reply was received.

To: Attendant
From: Your Highness
Subject: Re:Re: Luck


       Is that so? How come I haven't heard of this?

To: Your Highness
From: Attendant
Subject: Re:Re:Re: Luck


       Because you don't have to mingle on an attendants life, your highness. Now, leave me be and resume your ROYAL duties.

He closed his phone and went towards the audience seats, spotting the light blue haired boy being carried by the tallest tanned skinned opponent that Kuroko had texted him about; Papa Mbaye Shiki.

With his eyes twitching, he grits his teeth at the sight of another male touching what is his. Goddamit, its pissing him off. Thankfully, the enemy placed him down and let him be, which relieved the blonde spectator.

The game started and Satoru closely watched how his former teammates are doing along with the new freshmen who made it to the regulars.

Though his face depicts a cold and uninterested look, inside his mind, he was glad. The team didn't break down because of the losses they gained; instead, it made them stronger.

The second quarter finished, ending the first half, and the players were given a three minute break.

Kuroko sat on the bench with a towel on his shoulders as his eyes roamed around the arena. His eyes stopped on a certain blonde haired teen who stood at the top most part of the audiences' seats who looked straight back at him.

He felt happy that the blonde kept his promise and watched their first game.

Kagami frowned when Kuroko wasn't listening to his rant and his frown deepened when he realized that the shadow was looking at someone from the audience with glee in his eyes. His red eyes trailed to where his shadow was looking and he couldn't stop the gape that formed on his lips when he saw who it was.

He tugged on Riko's sleeve. Riko, annoyed by Kagami's tugging, wanted to smack him because he was disturbing her explanation for the next plan but stopped herself when Kagami pointed at something towards the audience.

The team followed where he was pointing and their eyes widened in surprise when they saw who was watching them.

Satoru Mukami.

Furihata and the two other freshmen on the bench pointed at Satoru, "Senpai-tachi, is that Mukami-san?"

Izuki nods.

"S-Satoru? Why is he here?" Hyuga gasps in disbelief.

They saw him take out his phone and pointed it then to Kuroko. Kuroko quickly took his phone from Riko's shoulder bag (all the players phone are there since they're scared that someone might steal it; just a random addition by me, its not canon or anything) and read the message.

To: Kuro
From: Satoru-san
Subject: Win


       Show me the teams strength you talked about, Kuroko. Even if such a cutie is there, the team mustn't be a disappointment. If you lose, then Hyuga sucks at being a captain and you guys fail at being a freaking team. Don't make my visit be in vain.

The second years grew silent after they heard the message while Kagami looked like he would blow, let me correct myself, he is about to blow.


Riko quickly slammed her hand to stop Kagami's shouts and brought out her paper fan which scared Kagami shitless.

"Alright! Like Satoru said, we must take the win and show him how strong we are! Seirin, go!" Hyuga announced and they nodded, determination filling them up.

Kuroko, however, silent reads the next message Satoru sent him.

To: Kuro
From: Satoru-san
Subject: Support


       Be careful and don't get injured. I'll be cheering for you over here, though I won't shout since its embarrassing. Win and advance forward, Tetsuya.

Unknown to him, a smile lingered on his lips that the blonde saw and engraved in his mind.

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