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'Good, good. Let the wild kitty venture away from my Tetsuya.'

'Dunno man, but, you sounded even more possessive of Tetsuya than before.'

'I know you agree with me, Tooru. Don't want him to get closer to Tetsuya.'

'Yeah, yeah. Enough talking to me. Riko's eyes are burning Tetsuya.'

Satoru placed his clipboard on the bench and stared at Riko who looked like she's ready to burn poor Tetsuya. Not knowing what just happened, his hand shot forward to grip the boy closest to him and that boy just so happens to be Furihata.

Furihata squirmed from his hold but one look from the bespectacled teen made him freeze.

"Where is my Tetsuya going?" He questioned in a deadly calm voice and that was already a signal that Satoru needed answers and he needed it specified and clear.

"H-He said that he's going to m-m-meet some people a-and the Coach is sort of.... Mad...." He stuttered, violet lines appearing on his temple as his eyes cautiously looked at his upperclassman.

Getting his answer, he dropped Furihata and trudged to where Kuroko is, draping an arm on his shoulder and pulling the small boy to him. His eyes landed on the spartan coach, "I'll be going with them if that makes you feel better. Upperclassmen needs to watch out over their juniors," he stated a reason he just came up with and his eyes boring holes on her face made Riko step back and sigh in defeat.

"Fine. But be back before the games start. I'm counting on you to pull their asses back, Satoru."

Satoru nodded and followed Kuroko and Furihata who walked in front of him. His hands tucked inside his pocket and his headphones hanging on his neck.

His lips curved upwards when he saw the people gathered around the stairs just outside the gymnasium. Memories of versing them all back in his junior high days flooded in and the excitement of versing against them made him grin as his face is shadowed.

Furihata cringed at the uncharacteristic grin on his upperclassman's face; it is totally different from the grin he shows usually. What had triggered his upperclassman to grin this madly?

"Satoru, stop. You're scaring Furihata-kun." Kuroko's blunt words made Furihata turn to so fast and his eyes to widen. Out of all the times, you have to say that so bluntly, Kuroko?!

"You got a babysitter now, Tetsu?" A lazy and deep voice interrupted Furihata's dramatic monologue and he trembled at the sight of the Generation of Miracles standing in front of him. Their mere presence evoked enough pressure to scare him shitless.

"You have Momo-cchi with you, Aomine-cchi."

"Momoi's a different story."

The conversations unnerved Furihata. With this tense atmosphere, they still managed to speak so casually?! Oh god, he prayed his own crazy and intimidating upperclassman wouldn't speak or be noticed. This would go way worse, well, in his opinion.

"Yo, Shintaro." Ah, he just jinxed himself.

"I presume I'm speaking to Satoru." Midorima adjusted his glasses.

Satoru took steps forward, climbing the stairs up and stopping just to embrace Midorima who erupted to shades of red.

"What are you doing?!" The green haired glasses wearing male screeched.

"Now, now, Shintaro. I rarely get the chance to hug you . Let me do this to you, C-O-U-S-I-N~" Tooru came out and teasingly blew air on his cousin's earlobe. Midorima, spooked by the sudden moisture, accidentally elbowed him but Tooru didn't mind it, he barely flinched.

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