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Friday came by fast. Satoru and Kuroko are now heading to Kuroko's home. Satoru didn't really feel anxious to meet Kuroko's parents, why should he? Its not like he's a bad guy trying to kill their son.

"I'm home."

"Welcome home, Tetsuya," a woman an inch taller than Tetsuya appeared in front of them so suddenly, which shocked Satoru a bit. She had to look up to face Satoru though.

"Hello, Mrs. Kuroko. I'm Satoru Mukami." Satoru introduced.

She smiles.

"Nice meeting you, Mukami-kun. I'm Aika Kuroko, Tetsuya's mom." She said.

Tetsuya and Satoru excused their selves and went to Kuroko's room, putting their bags there and changing out of their uniform before going back down. 

Aika is still preparing dinner a d Kuroko's father isn't home yet.

"Satoru, please wait over here. I'll go help mom." Tetsuya said but Satoru denied, "No. Its you who should be freaking resting, Tetsuya. I'll go help your mom. No buts and behave." He sternly spoke.

Tetsuya opened his mouth to protest but Satoru ruffled his hair and went to the kitchen, leaving Tetsuya in the living room.

"Mrs. Kuroko, can I help?" Satoru asked her, Aika pausing in her stirring. "Oh, Mukami-kun! Sure, you can help me." She smiled.

Satoru didn't really know how to deal with older women. So he applied the behaviour he would always use on his deceased mother, which agitated him deep inside. But this is Kuroko's mom, his lovers mom, he can't treat her like an annoyance.

"Um....can I cook curry? I want to prove that I can cook for Tetsuya and not a total burden." Satoru bluntly spoke. Though he cursed himself from the little by of hesitation in his first sentence.

Aika stopped for a second before her lips pursed in silence. It continued for a couple more seconds until she finally parted them.

"You're a blunt guy, Mukami-kun, even more blunt than my son but not so clueless. Of course, you can cook curry. " Satoru frowned internally. Had he chosen the wrong words? Did he come across as harsh and blunt on the bad side?

As if she sensed his inner turmoil, Aika giggles lightly.

"Its alright, Mukami-kun. I don't mean it the bad way. At least I'm assured that my son won't starve. He can't cook to save his life!" She laughed.

Satoru chuckled at how he heard about Tetsuya's inability to cook and he found himself having a light and funny conversation with Tetsuya's mom about her sons childhood days.

Tetsuya heard laughter and peeked inside the kitchen, a smile forming on his lips when he saw them getting along. Hearing Satoru laugh sent tingles on his spine and he loved the way his husky voice sounded.

"I see we have a visitor." A deep voice said from behind him and the youngest male in the house turned around and saw his father.

"You surprised poor Tetsuya, Tokiya. " his grandmother, Kimiko Kuroko, chided his father.

"Sorry, Tetsuya." His father apologized.

"Who are you, boy?" His father marched to the kitchen and asked Satoru. Kimiko sighing at her sons bluntness and lack of politeness in his tone.

"I'm Satoru Mukami. An upperclassman of Tetsuya's." Satoru replied back bluntly and turned off the fire, his curry is now ready.

"Actually, Mr. Kuroko, I am here because I was invited by Tetsuya. That, and that I have something I would like to talk about with you adults after we dine. " Satoru added.

Aika, Tetsuya and Satoru prepared the table while Kimiko and Tokiya changed from their outdoor clothing. The dinner went quite well with Kimiko and Aika asking questions about Satoru's background and his school life meanwhile Tokiya remained silent and Tetsuya watching Satoru worriedly deep inside.

When dinner was finished, Tetsuya and Satoru opted to clean the table when Aika denied Satoru, saying that he'd helped enough and relax.

Tokiya calmly sat on the couch with Aika sitting beside him, their fingers laced. Kimiko sat on a separate chair while the two teens sat on the opposite couch from the parents.

Without any hesitation, Satoru adjusted his glasses and looked directly at the parents.

"I won't beet around the bush. Please allow me to become Tetsuya's lover." Satoru bowed, his hands on his knee caps as he sat on the couch. Tetsuya held Satoru's shirt on his side, feeling worried at how his parents might react.

"Tetsuya, you love this boy?" The heavy tone in his fathers voice when he said the last word made Tetsuya's fingers twitch, clearly hearing how he emphasized it.

Now that Satoru had given his words, its time for him to play his part in this.

"Yes." Tetsuya replied with a simple word but dealt with an underlying heavy emotion of agreement and refusal to back down.

"Tell us about yourself, Mukami-kun." Kimiko smiled at the boy and Satoru sat back up, his hand untying Tetsuya's fingers on his shirt and laced his own on his.

"I'm 17 years old. Birthday is on October 21. I like music, cooking, cleaning, reading, high places, dogs, cats, and basketball. I dislike dealing with liars, annoying people, loud ones, straightforward ones, and pathetic people who only barks but not bite. I don't care about what other people think. I stopped playing basketball due to my past. I don't have any experience with girls and relationships. My parents and older brother are dead. I'm living with my uncle. Most of all, I love your son. " Satoru spoke.

Tokiya sighed. "I didn't think that my son would fall for a boy and not a girl."

"Neither did I expect that I would fall for him too, Mr. Kuroko. He is straightforward, gentlemanly, innocent and hardworking. A total contrast to me who is rough and troublesome. " Satoru leaned back.

"Tetsuya, are you really sure? Aren't you scared about what others will think? You know how few couples consisting of both males are here in Japan." Aika focused on her son.

Tetsuya gave his mother a determined look and nods, "I don't care about what others will think of me, or us, mom.  Just like what Satoru told me, this is love, we can't choose who we fall in love with. Whether I love a guy or a girl, it is still love, there's no difference. Just because I'm in love doesn't mean it has to be on the opposite gender; there is no such rule. Please, allow us to become lovers."

Tokiya and Aika stared at each other, debating whether to give their consent or tear the two apart. A giggle interrupted their visual debate and all eyes landed on the old lady who smiled at the two youngsters.

"Just let them be, Tokiya, Aika. You don't see men like Mukami-kun these days; asking the parents to give their approval before full out dating is quite rare now. He is also honest and loyal. Its rare to find boys in this age having no romantic relationships; he's a clean chap! I would gladly entrust my grandson to you, Mukami-kun."  Kimiko nods at the parents who sighs and gave them their approval as well.

"Just take care of Tetsuya, Mukami-kun." Aika told him.

"Of course, Mrs. Kuroko. That goes without saying."

Clapping her hands, Kimiko motioned for her son.

"Now that all matters are settled, let's go and take a good rest. Tokiya, help me to my room please. Tetsuya and Mukami-kun must have some things to do. Good night, everyone."

"Goodnight, mom/grandmom/ Kimiko-san."

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