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Cloud: I'm skipping the match between Shutoku and Seirin, okay? I'm tired from writing the games coz I had to do it in my other KNB book. Thank you.

Picture ain't mine

Now, back to le story!


Satoru excused himself from the team and escaped. He needs to see someone. He silently walked on the wet pavement and his behind a corner when he saw a person with green hair facing upwards to the crying sky.

The rain did a good job in hiding his tears but Satoru knew that he's crying. With his umbrella held lowly to cover his face, a grin made its way to his lips and he stepped out, now walking loudly to indicate his presence.

Hearing the footsteps coming closer, Midorima Shintaro turned. His eyes narrowed when he saw the incoming person. Even with the umbrella hiding his face, he knows that grin all too well.

"What are you doing here, Mukami Satoru?"

"Is it wrong for someone to take a walk, Midorima Shintaro?"

"For someone like you, yes. Shouldn't you be with your team?"

"That hurts, Shintaro. I was just taking a walk, I'm being honest."

"You say you are, but I wouldn't believe you. That grin says so. You were never honest."

"Is that so? Why don't you come with me? You're gonna get sick, Shintaro."

"I'll take your offer." Midorima said.

Stepping in under Satoru's umbrella, he took his glasses off and wiped the free from water. Satoru pushed a towel to him and he gladly accepted it.

"Which one am I talking to right now?" Midorima asked.

The same grin still lingered on Satoru's lips and he walked towards the gymnasiums entrance, Midorima following along, both sharing the umbrella.

"You're talking to
me, of course."

"Tell me why you took the trouble of finding me, Tooru."

"Sharp as always, Shintaro."

"Quit avoiding the question. Answer me properly, Tooru."

"I wanted to see that bittersweet expression, Shintaro. It gives me the chilling satisfaction. So full of bitterness. Satisfaction in watching you, who never lost in an official match, break and lose."

"I see you still have that sick sense of humor."

"Its what I'm born with, Shintaro."

"How is Satoru doing?"

"Clinging to what he currently has."


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