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Winning the Winter Cup was achieved by pouring all their blood, sweat and tears. Seirin team had achieved their dream of winning against the reigning champions, Rakuzan.

It was an easy battle. It was full of obstacles and powerful foes. The Generation of Miracles aren't to be trifled with but the team didn't lose hope and continued to push forward.

Against the Shield of Aegis, Yosen, the battle in height was fierce but that didn't stop Seirin from winning. Though, Murasakibara was bitter about it, Kuroko believes that he is gonna change for the better. With Kuroko's attention on Murasakibara, a certain tall strawberry blonde haired male straightened his lips and possessively held on the Kuroko's waist.

Akashi had called Satoru the night before their match, during the time when Kuroko was narrating about their times in Teiko as a team. He had excused himself and exited Kagami's apartment to talk with the redhead.

"What do you want? You're disturbing my time with my Tetsuya," he hissed and Satoru could imagine Akashi twitching at the disrespect in his tone.  "Have you created plans to stop my reign, Mukami Satoru?" Inquired Akashi, his tone full of warning but Satoru didn't see him as a threat.

He sure has one heck of a tolerance level.

"Not obliged to answer you, young emperor. This servant has not sworn loyalty to you nor have I vowed to fill the information you want."

A cold chuckle answered Satoru, "I am looking forward to this match, Mukami Satoru."

"I felt defeat already, young emperor. It is time for you to feel yours," Satoru cut off the call, which displeased Akashi. The strawberry blonde headed back to his team, his mind cleared of all the doubt he possessed for their next match. With this team by his side and him by theirs, they will triumph over the reigning emperor. Satoru smiled, which his lover caught, making him pause in his story but with Satoru's nod for him to continue, Tetsuya smiled faintly before proceeding with his story.


He cursed when Akashi confronted Tetsuya during the warm up and was even on  his way to march over and protect the ears of his beloved from being tainted by an evil emperor. Riko noticed the abnormal amount of dark energy weaving off of Satoru and he held her back. Satoru only stopped thrashing from her hold when he heard Tetsuya's reply to Akashi. He was, is, proud of his lover for standing up to that young emperor and he puffed his chest out to show his pride. 

Akashi had noticed his action and narrowed his eyes at him while Satoru just gave him a taunting smirk, showing who was a rightful king between the two. Tetsuya, misunderstanding it as Akashi being interested in Satoru again, frowned and purposely threw the ball he was holding on Satoru's back, ending the unspoken war between the two emperors on the court. 

'It seems our dearest is jealous, dumb human,'

'Aww, he's so adorable~'

'You are hopeless.'

Toru gives up on his dominant counterpart. 

Spotting the person that his lover regarded as his 'light', urgh that word send chills down Satoru's spine, Satoru called him over. "Wild kitty, don't stray from the plan, alright?" Kagami huffed and gave his upperclassman a stink eye, "You told me that a million times already...senpai." he complained, adding a honorific at the end to show his respect.

Just as they planned, Kagami had delved into his Zone state right off the bat and Riko worriedly whispered, " Just how much percentage do we have of winning this match, Satoru?" Her friend gave a huff, reviewing the plans and assumptions they made the night before, "We'll have 65.89% if we follow through with what he planned and if our assumptions are correct in every quarter. 76.45% if some assumptions that were not included in what we listed occur with our players tilting it to our favor 57.23% chance of winning if we can't cope up with any events that weren't part of our assumptions. If the team gives this fight with everything they have then there is still approximately 50.95% chance of us winning."

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