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Class 2-A is now having their P.E. class. The teacher led the students to the basketball gym because they are about to play basketball. Satoru groans in annoyance inside his mind and he made it clear how uninterested he was on the sport.

The teacher berated him about his disrespect but does he care? No. He doesn't give a flying fuck.

"Satoru-san, just play one quarter for your grades. If you play well today then I won't reevaluate your grades tomorrow." The teacher coaxed and Satoru sighed.

Its just one game for my grade, nothing serious. Just don't be affected, he told himself.

"Fine. One game and I'm out." He relented and the teacher smiled at his cooperation.

For Satoru, the time seemed to fly so fast that it is now the fourth quarter. The teacher had changed the members, inserting Satoru in the players and blew his whistle.

Satoru toned down his playing and played at how an average player would. He didn't quicken his pace or try hard enough. But even though he did that, he couldn't prevent his urge to shoot from wherever he is. Despite playing at average, his inexperienced classmates always lose him in defense and allowed the blonde to pass.

Anger bubbled up in Satoru but he quenched it down when he thought that he wasn't even trying.

--You can't easily get rid of your interest in a sport unless you deny yourself from having it, Satoru-san. You can't keep yourself away from playing.--

Kuroko's words echoed in his mind, the images of the eyes he so hated to see playing again and again in his mind like a movie.

Shut up, shut up, shut up!

--You can't easily get rid of your interest in a sport unless you deny yourself from having it, Satoru-san. You can't keep yourself away from playing.--


--Satoru-san, the basketball team isn't weak. I'm not asking you to comeback because we are desperate. I highly believe that the team is strong and I believe in my teammates. I'm asking you because captain, coach and the other senpais really wants to play with you again. Because I care for the bonds between you and the senpais formed through basketball.--



--Please come back! We can play together again! We can play fun basketball again! Please!--



As his mind whirled in anger, Satoru failed to notice that he had lost his grip on his playing and he went for a drive, passing through each opposing team members in such a fast pace that all the onlookers could see was a yellow blur.

Crossing over, Saturo jumped and dunked the ball harshly inside the hoop, his right hand holding on to the rim before he let go and falls to the floor on a crouched form.

Silence emerged in the gym and the only thing you could hear is the bouncing of the ball.



Standing up, he readjust his glasses and went straight to the door, opening it loudly.

"I'm done. " he spoke to the teacher and left the gym.

Kuroko was looking outside his classrooms window when he saw Satoru pass by. His blue eyes widens and focusses on the blonde boy who has his left hand cradling his right hand which ,Kuroko noticed, was trembling.

He was wearing his P.E. clothes so it must be P.E. class then but why....oh, he gets it now. Their class must've been playing basketball.

"Mika, Mika. Psst. Look what Aika-senpai posted in the site!" The girl in front of him sounded excited as she whispers to the girl in front of her.

Kuroko remembers this girl being one of the girls in his class who is a fan girl on Satoru so he shifted a bit forward to hear their conversation.

"Saturo-sama looks so cool and handsome! They were playing basketball and Satoru-sama played in the fourth quarter! She said here, Satoru-sama was fast, a total blur in our eyes, and slammed the ball with such strength to the basket. The picture says it all!" She whispered again.

A cough interrupted the two girls and they apologized for disturbing the lesson.

Kuroko couldn't believe what he heard.

Satoru-san played? He played basketball? Did he give it a try? Was he really considering to come back?

Explosions of thoughts about Satoru coming back to basketball had Kuroko look back to where he was looking at outside the window.

But why was his hand shaking that much? Why was his shoulders rising up and down so fast? Why was his back slouched?

Realization hit him.

--I never want to see those eyes again, cutie.--

--Cut the crap, scram away, and leave me the fuck alone. Only cutie can entertain me with such useless asking. --


Satoru-san is afraid of seeing something in the eyes of the players. That's why he said those harsh words towards them. He's not uninterested in basketball; he's scared about something inside it.

But if Satoru-san played earlier, then that must mean that he saw what he hated again, right?

Due to his fright, Satoru-san's body is reacting and that must be why he's trembling earlier.


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