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Cl0ud: Picture ain't mine.


Kuroko arrived earlier today and when they had morning practice, his teammates could tell that Kuroko's mind is absent, physically present but mentally absent perhaps.

During class, Kuroko just stared at the teacher and the board, occasionally jotting down some notes and scribbles in his notebook before going back to dozing off again. Kagami twitched in annoyance when Kuroko kept on staring blankly, because honestly, its creeping him out.

The morning classes were a blur to Kuroko and he only realized that it was lunch time when he heard squeals from the girls. Someone approached his seat and a shadow loomed over him.

"Oi, stop daydreaming like a lost puppy and stand up. I don't like being kept waiting." He recognized the voice so well.

"Its Satoru-sama! Oh my god! He looks so cool!"

"He's so tall and handsome!"

"Someone, talk to him!"

"Kuroko sure is lucky to have Satoru-sama talk to him!"

"Are they friends?!"

Squealed the girls.

Satoru had enough of their babbling and impatiently yanked the dazed Kuroko off of his seat and snatched his bento from his bag, dragging the tealette away from his class and to the rooftop where he would usually stay when he's skipping class.

He roughly shoved Kuroko on the wall and placed down their bentos. With his hands caging the smaller boy, he leaned closer to his face. Kuroko sucked in his breath once the blondes face is inches away from his and his body began to heat up when their eyes caught each other.

Satoru was looking straightly to his eyes, searching for what's wrong with his underclassman before the back of his right hand made contact to Kuroko's forehead, feeling how high his temperature is. Alarmed by the boys high temperature, Satoru growls and punched the wall beside Kuroko.

"Blockhead! Why did you come to school?! You have a freaking fever, you shouldn't be forcing yourself!" He scolded Kuroko similar to how a very worried parent would. "I'm not sick." Kuroko denied and Satoru stepped away, his hand ruffling his short messy hair in irritation, "Not sick, my ass. Bullshit."

He leaned Kuroko to the wall and opened both of their lunchbox. The whole time, the two ate in silence. With Kuroko contemplating about his mothers words and Satoru scrutinizing just what the hell is wrong with his cutie.

Clicking his tongue, Satoru closed his empty bento and took the empty bento on Kuroko's lap and closed it as well. Annoyance bubbled up inside him and he roughly yanked Kuroko to him, colliding the said boy to his chest.

Kuroko was about to speak when Satoru's index tilted Kuroko's head upwards and a soft pair of lips smashed on Kuroko's own pair. With his other hand still holding the yanked hand, the other cupped the smaller males cheek.

Kuroko didn't respond to the kiss at first, his eyes wide at the sudden lip locking and this made Satoru deepen the kiss and press his lips more on Kuroko's. With heat rushing to his face, Kuroko lost himself at the golden brown orbs staring straight on his eyes, closing them and pushing his lips back to Satoru's.

Kuroko's hands snaked on Satoru's shoulders while Satoru's hand cupped his cheek and the other snaking on his waist.

Separating when they needed air, Satoru chuckled at the red faced Kuroko and fell on his back, taking Kuroko with him, sprawled on his chest.

"Kuroko, tell me what's wrong. " Satoru demanded.

"My mother told me something yesterday." Kuroko started.

Satoru stayed silent and urged the boy on top of him to continue. His face still red, Kuroko found himself stuttering.

"She said I'm in love with you."

Satoru's eyes widened and his grip on Kuroko's waist tightened.

"How can she tell you that?" He gently asked, running his hand on Kuroko's light blue strands, calming the boy down.

Kuroko elaborated what happened yesterday with a red face, stuttering voice and less eye contact, his face buried on Satoru's chest. "So, I'm invited to your house on Friday and that, you're in love with me, am I right?" Satoru recapped.

Kuroko moved his head in agreement, still not looking at Satoru, which even confused himself.

"But Satoru-san is a boy. I thought I was supposed to fall in love with a girl?" Kuroko asked in confusion, making Satoru chuckle.

"Silly, just because you're a boy doesn't mean you should get hooked up with the opposite gender. Its love we're talking about, we can't just choose or decide as to who we fall in love with; it just comes to you. Love knows no limits, Kuroko. You fall for a guy, that's love; you fall for a girl, that's still love. If you are in love genuinely with me, what's stopping you? I'm here, ready to accept you. Your mother supports you. No one is standing between us. Be true to yourself and never hide what you're feeling. Don't listen to what others say about you, they don't understand what you yourself feels towards me so they don't have the right to judge you. You love me and I love you. " Satoru explained.

Kuroko's fingers tightened its hold on his uniform and he nuzzled to Satoru.

"You understand me, Kur—"

"Tetsuya. Please call me Tetsuya, Satoru-san." Kuroko cut him off.

He lightly pinched Kuroko's waist, which made him jerk, and patted it after.

"Don't cut me off, T-Tetsuya. And call me Satoru or whatever nickname you want. Be glad; I don't let others give me nicknames." Satoru pouts.

The bell rang, which signalled that lunch break is done. Kuroko started to stand up but Satoru pulled him down, trapping him in his hold.

"Skip for the afternoon, Tetsuya. Stay with me." Satoru pleaded. Kuroko hesitated but one look from those golden brown orbs made him sigh and plop down on top of Satoru.

"Thanks. I'll go on Friday and spend the night. More time with you." Satoru whispered.

"Un." Kuroko agreed, sleepiness kicking in.

Just before Kuroko could lose his consciousness, he heard Satoru's words.

"Only you, are not allowed to break, Tetsuya. If you, I wouldn't know what to do. Without you, I'll have no one to turn to."

I Love You (KurokoXMale!OC)Where stories live. Discover now