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Cl0ud: Picture ain't mine.


Satoru couldn't believe this guy.

Ever since he met the boy at the rooftop, he wouldn't stop pestering  him about coming back to basketball.

Every morning, the boy would confront him at the gates and he would just pretend that he doesn't exist. Every lunch time, the boy would follow him and ask him again. Every dismissal, he would leave notes on his locker.

Seriously! He's pissing me off!

Satoru couldn't hold back his fury anymore and his classmates noticed that. Sure, he's handsome and smart but when he gets angry, he's really, really ticked off.


"Shut it. I've had enough." He growls.

Dragging the boy somewhere private and unseen by others, he found the right spot behind the building and he roughly shoves Kuroko to the wall.

"I told you to stop pestering me. How many times must I tell you to f*****g leave me alone? Basketball doesn't interest me anymore!" He shouts at the end.

"Then... Can you tell me why you quit?"

I Love You (KurokoXMale!OC)Where stories live. Discover now