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"Satoru," Kuroko called out to him.

Looking back at the shorter male, Satoru hummed. Being in a good mood, Kuroko guessed that this would be the right time to talk about his plan.

"I asked Aomine-kun to teach me how to shoot." Kuroko dropped the bomb. Taken aback, Satoru stumbled while Tooru snickered in his mind. Clearing his throat and acting composed, Satoru asked.

"Oh. When will this teaching shit begin?" Satoru decided that he will supervise. Whatever that damn ganguro do during their teaching lesson better be useful or else he'd experience some real punching from the one and only lover of the blue haired teen. Unaware that his glasses gleamed similarly to how glasses wearing villains in movies does, Kuroko pinch his arm lightly and pecked his cheek.

Amused and surprised by the sudden sweet gesture, it was Satoru's turn to blush and get flushed.



The next day, Satoru frowned when he saw his teammates playing hard against opponents who don't even have a member from the generation of miracles. Not to brag, but in Satoru's view, they were weaklings compared to the team with the Miracles or even to him.

"Tetsuya, love, tell Aida that she needs to call a time out. Those shits ain't doing good out there."

Tooru spoke and Tetsuya did what he was told. Satoru silently watched as Hyuga talked some sense to the withering team and he dodged when Riko's hand was about to hit his cheek. He felt bad though, since Kuroko got hit and hadn't had the time to dodge the slap.

"R-I-K-O~" he sweetly and calmly called their coach who had some sweet running down her face when she robotically turned to the one who called her.


Kuroko, sensing that Satoru is about to do something, quickly jabbed his gut and Satoru doubled over. He used his clipboard to hide his stomach and he coughed and breathed deeply.

"Don't do anything rash, Satoru."

"Come on, love. We were just about to get back on her for slapping you."

Tooru grumbled, restricting himself and Satoru from pouncing and cuddling on Kuroko right on that spot and in that moment.

"So, wild kitty. You see how awesome your upperclassmen are now?" Satoru nudged Kagami who nodded and smiled happily towards his upperclassmen who went back to the court.

Riko sighed.

"You and Teppei were trying to say the same thing. Guys with national experience see things differently." She looked at Kuroko who sat beside Kagami.

"No...if you knew that, though, I wish you hadn't hit me." Kuroko deadpanned.

"Sorry, I got caught up in the moment." Riko apologised.

'Hmmm...Seirin is winning against Nakamiya South. They look like they're enjoying.'

'You know, we can go back to those times when we have fun playing. I'll help you block the memories out. Plus, Tetsuya is here as well as the others. Teamwork. Seongjun told you that teamwork is important, right?'

'I really want to. Perhaps...I...we can try...again.'


" you have any information about the teams that got through the third game?" Riko inquired when they were collecting their things in the locker room inside the gym. Satoru flipped through his clipboard and pushed his glasses up his nose bridge, "As expected, the freaking Miracles won their third games."

On the fourth day of the Winter Cup, Satoru watched as Kagami, Kuroko and the rest of the team played with so much vigour and intensity, his eyes dazed as he looked at them with longing.

His hands were clenching around his hold on his clipboard and it felt itchy. He felt his own hands itching to dribble the ball. He felt like his feet would move on their own and lead him back to the court where his friends, he didn't wanna admit it out loud, are playing.

With Seirin winning against Morizono North with a score of 87-82, Satoru high fived Kuroko and Riko when he got back to the bench.

"Where did you go?" Inquired Kuroko. Satoru sighed, "Just went to see the other games as per ordered by Riko." Kuroko pressed on, "How did it go?"

With unease, Satoru relayed to him what he saw. "Yosen High is probably a big problem for us. They won...81-0.  They looked so scary that it makes me excited to play them." At the last line, Satoru grinned and he closed his eyes, pushing back the memories that surfaced and he swallowed thickly, not allowing his trauma to get the best of him again.

If he wants to go back to the court with his friends, he needs to swallow his own shit up and be brave. He has Kuroko Tetsuya now. He's not alone.

"Tetsuya, let's go. I just need to hand these papers to Riko and then we will be on our way to meet that other wild person. That ganguro." Satoru said and tugged on Tetsuya's clothes.

They had just finished viewing and planning for their next match against Yosen High and Satoru had already thought up of some formations as well as some back up plans for the game. It all comes down to how the team will execute it and how good they perform.

"Oi, Hyuga, Riko..."

The said two looked back at him.


Satoru grinned genuinely and he posed with two fingers up, "Next year...let's play together once more next year, alright?"

Surprised and relief flooded over them as they heard and saw Satoru being the Satoru they knew before he changed. Hyuga, most of all, had tears prickle his eyes and he covered his face, saying about how unmanly he looks at the moment.

Riko bit her lip to stop herself from bursting in sobs and overflowing tears.

With meek voices, the two replied happily.

"Yeah. We'll be waiting for you to come back, dumbass."

Satoru turned around and dragged Kuroko away, a smile gracing his lips. Kuroko saw his smile and he smiled as well, glad that Satoru is slowly coming out of his shell.

"Thanks, Tetsuya."

"Thanks, love."


Hey, sorry for the late update.

I'm almost at the end of season two and season three is coming but I promise to make more chapters since I dont want this book to end just yet.

In the next chapter, less basketball would be in it and more on the romance between Kuroko and Satoru. Also, if you guys have a ship name for them, please comment. If you have any ideas for dates or some scenarios then please comment or pm it to me. I am completely open for ideas and scenarios.  😁

Anyway, thanks for reading!

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