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Satoru's eye twitched when he saw the female manager of the Tōō team fawning for Kuroko. Tooru snickered inside him and Satoru shushed him angrily.

He needed to get the message that Kuroko belongs to him and that he is no longer available.

While Kuroko was occupied with the teaching of Aomine Daiki, Satoru sneaked his way to stand beside Momoi.

"Hello, fellow manager." Satoru evenly spoke.

Momoi smiled at him, "Hi, Mukami-san. How are you?" She replied to him.

Satoru didn't look at her and just focused his eyes on Kuroko who was getting scolded by Aomine for missing the hoop.

"I am fine. I'd like to talk to you about something. Tetsuya and I ar—"

Momoi cuts him off.

"Tetsu-kun and Mukami-san are dating, is what you would like to say, right?"

Satoru graced her with his focus. He could see the bitter smile on her lips and he brought his hand to rest on her shoulder.

"Yes." He answered. "How long have you known?" Satoru asked. She still held the bitter smile as she longingly looked at Kuroko, "Ever since the Winter Cup started. The way you look at Tetsu-kun...the way you act around him and how Tetsu-kun responds to you is that of lovers. Tetsu-kun looks really happy to be with you."

"Hm. I am also very happy with Tetsuya."

Momoi slapped her cheeks lightly, an action that startled Satoru but after she did that, she faced him and smiled her usual jolly smile, "Please take care of Tetsu-kun, Mukami-san. I have lost to you in the game of love and hearts. But if you two ever separate, I'll swoop in and drag Tetsu-kun away from you."

Satoru grinned, glad that she accepted their relationship and he ruffled her head roughly, "Yeah, yeah. Like we'll end up like that, brat. Keep on dreaming." He rolled his eyes and adjusted his glasses with his index and middle fingers. Momoi giggled when she saw this, "You and Shin-chan really are cousins. You push your glasses the exact same way."

"Meh, if he hears you say that, he'll bluntly deny." Satoru retorts.

Kuroko went over to them with Aomine behind him and he asked them why they were laughing. Satoru and Momoi chorused in telling him about Midorima and Satoru's exact action on their glasses and Kuroko nodded.

Momoi wanted to hug Kuroko but she held herself back, looking at Satoru first for permission to do so and Satoru replied with a nod. Momoi proceeded to hug Kuroko while Satoru gave him a bottle of water and gave  Aomine a bun.

Kuroko stared at Satoru who stared back at him before he smiled when he saw the grin his lover had.

He's glad things are resolved.


Satoru and Momoi were once again on the side line of the court, watching Kuroko being able to shoot properly while missing only a couple of times.

Remembering something, Satoru asked Momoi since he thinks she might have any clue on his question.

"Nah, Momoi-san, do you know who Akashi is interested in?"

Momoi didn't have to think hard for she knew the answer easily. Her past captain wasn't really subtle in announcing what was his during Middle School, before he had changed.

"Akashi-kun is interested in Hwang Seongjun, his childhood friend. I'm not really sure of their current relationship but Akashi-kun has been trying to get his message across Seongjun since Middle School but Seongjun just misinterprets it as him doing whatever he does for his best friend."

Satoru blinks.

"So, Akashi likes this Seongjun but Seongjun is dense and sees his actions as things he does for friendship?" He deadpanned.

Momoi laughed, "Yes! Seongjun is a good guy and a perfect wife material but he is dense! Akashi-kun had a hard time because of that!"

"How do they act against one another?"

"Hmmm...Seongjun is really caring on Akashi-kun and is similar to a mom to us. Not the nagging mom or the likes, but the caring and loving mom. Akashi-kun is totally whipped to him."

Satoru whistled while Momoi laughed again.

"Wow. Akashi is whipped. I'd like to meet this guy." He mused.

"Just like Akashi-kun, Seongjun also excels in a lot of areas. He's not much of an outdoor type, more like indoors. You know, Seongjun is the King in Karuta now. He's had the title since our second year in Middle School. If I were to weight the two of them in a scale, I'd say they're equal in academics and achievements." Momoi finished and Satoru noted to search this guy up.

Satoru stood up, checking his pockets for any money and he waved at Momoi.

"I'll go buy us some food since we'll be staying here quite long. "

Momoi nodded and saluted to him before Satoru walked away with his hands in his pockets.

As he was gone, Momoi turned back to the two males playing on the court and her eyes closed with her lips pursed.

'Having your heart broken really hurts. Maybe this means that Tetsu-kun is just not meant to be mine. I pray that they'll be happy, Tetsu-kun and Mukami-san.' 

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