Thirty- two

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Satoru nuzzled further into Kuroko's chest, "Thanks for meeting me, Tetsuya. Thanks for finding me," he tightened his hold on him and inhaled his vanilla scent. Tetsuya just combed his fingers on the strawberry blonde locks and kissed his crowned, his answer non-verbal but more on skinship. 

Satoru's fingers then lingered to the bracelet Kuroko wore on his wrist, glad that he kind of had a leash on this person. Engraved on the bracelet was the word Conqueror while Satoru's bracelet had the word Conquered engraved on it. 

It was a lazy Saturday afternoon and both could hear Kuroko's mother fluttering about in the kitchen downstairs as well as the show that his grandmother is watching.

Satoru came to visit them but was exiled to Tetsuya's room to give the couple some privacy, which Tetsuya's mother ushered him to. He was thankful that she had accepted him as Tetsuya's boyfriend and was totally supportive of their relationship now.

He lifted his body and hovered on top of Tetsuya, peppering his flawless face with wet kisses before he kissed him slowly and passionately. The sound of their tongues clashing and the wet noises echoed around the room as they had their kiss and Satoru found it not enough to stop here.

He snaked his hand to the back of Tetsuya's head and pulled him closer, bringing the kiss to a higher level as his other hand began to lightly climb higher underneath Tetsuya's shirt, his fingers leaving fire trails on Tetsuya's skin. 

Tetsuya wrapped his arms on Satoru's neck and pulled on his hair for vengeance on the fiery trails but this served as a turn on for the dominant male. Satoru left his lips and lingered kisses going down to Tetsuya's neck, making him release a squeak when Satoru found the spot that could make Tetsuya create more adorable sounds. 

"Tetsuya, Satoru! Snack are done! Come down!" their time was interrupted by Tetsuya's mother's call and Satoru groaned since he didn't want to separate from Tetsuya and end their steamy time. Tetsuya chuckled at the unsatisfied face of his lover, standing up and arranging his clothes which were hiked up due to Satoru's invading hands. 

"Let's go," he pecked his lips, smiling gently as he offered his hand and Satoru sighed, ruffling his hair before taking his hand. Tetsuya dragged Satoru downstairs while the taller one pouted. 

Tetsuya shook his head at the antics of his lover and sat down, watching with joy a Satoru complained about being interrupted to his mother while his mother just laughed and teased him. His grandmother was just smiling as she sipped her tea, enjoying Satoru dramatically complaining. 

Tetsuya could get used to this sight. 

It warmed his heart that his lover was interacting happily with his family and that they accepted their relationship. 

He was snapped out of his daze when Satoru tugged him and kissed him on the cheek, "I'll be kidnapping Tetsuya from you then!" 

He doesn't know what led his boyfriend to say this towards his laughing mother. 

Ah, he really did find a good guy to be with. 

Satoru smiled at him, his eyes twinkling with mirth and he looked so beautiful in Tetsuya's eyes. This person, Tetsuya wished from the deepest depths of his heart. 

Please let me stay with this person forever. 



its done. 

the story between Tetsuya and Satoru ends here. 

Thank you for reading this and i am extremely happy that you tried this story out. 

Thank you!

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