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"Kuroko....did you try to talk to Satoru?" Riko approached the topic gently during their practice time. Hearing the name of their former teammate, the second years gathered around the bench area to hear the conversation as well.

"What are you talking about, Riko?" Hyuga asks.

"I saw Satoru earlier with Kagami and Kuroko. "

Kuroko shifts his eyes to his upperclassmen. "I began asking Satoru-san to come back to basketball the day after you told us what troubled you. He was angry at first before he stopped being rough and began to actually deny my inquiry in a conversational manner." Kuroko told them the truth.

"You talked in a conversational way with Satoru?" Koganei asks in an incredulous tone.


"U-Ummmm....senpai-tachi, can you really tell us about this Satoru? We feel left out when Kuroko and you guys are talking about that guy without us knowing who he is." Furihata stutters in and Riko sighed.

"His full name is Satoru Mukami. Up until last year, he played as the point guard. He is a very talented one and if it weren't for the Generation of Miracles’ Akashi Seijūrō, he would've been known. He's tall, fast in making decisions, observant and totally calm when he's playing. But when he's outside, he's lazy, hard to notice even though he's quite known, especially in the female population, he's moody, sharp-tongued and violent. That's why I pulled you away earlier, Bakagami." Riko elaborated and Kagami's eyes widened when he heard the last sentence.

"Ha?! You mean, that guy is the Satoru you're talking about?! That rude guy?!" Kagami exclaims in disbelief.

Mitobe made hand gestures and Koganei explained it to the group, " Mitobe said, You must have done something to him first. Satoru doesn't insult or harm someone first even though he's violent."

"I didn't even do anything to him!" defended Kagami.

"You're wrong, Kagami-kun. You shouted at Satoru-san rudely that's why he got mad. Its wrong to shout like that to an upperclassman." Kuroko kicks in and Kagami gapes, understanding what he did now.

"But I didn't know he's my upperclassman! "

On cue, a paperfan made contact on Kagami's back quite harshly and Kagami jerked at the sudden pain. "You should still be mindful of your tone, bakagami!"

"I've been wondering, Kuroko, how did you even find Satoru? We didn't mention what he looks like or even what class he belongs to." Hyuga wondered.

"A lot of my classmates keeps on talking about a person named Satoru and has pictures of him so I took a chance and asked them about him. It turns out, my guess was correct, Satoru-san is the Satoru senpai-tachi were talking about." Kuroko explained.

He remembered how his classmates gushed about an upperclassman of theirs having short blonde hair and tall body structure, saying how handsome he is and that he's the perfect boyfriend type for them.

Kuroko's chest suddenly constricts tightly, his mind whirled when the conversations of his female classmates rang through his mind. He felt his emotions running haywire and that something is bubbling up in him.

What's happening to him? Does he have some sort of illness? Is he sick?

"–ight. Satoru has always been popular with the opposite gender but he's still pretty hard to find. " Izuki states, which snapped Kuroko back to reality.

"Thanks, Kuroko. Thank you for trying so hard to make him come back. Thanks for thinking about us too. You're such a good kohai." Hyuga thanked the light blue haired boy who nodded in reply to his senpai.

Clapping her hands, Riko blew on her whistle.

"Okay! Enough about Satoru! We need to practice! Twenty laps now!"

Up above the rooftop, golden brown orbs stared down at the gym blankly.

His body felt cold, his throat felt dry, and his mind went blank.

"Kuroko, huh? So that's his name."

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