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Kuroko Tetsuya walked home alone after their practice match with Kaijo. His head injury wasn't that painful but it did cause him some headaches and dizziness.

He suddenly stopped in his tracks when he sees a person standing in the middle of the street basketball court, his head downcast. He recognized the person. How could he not?

That tall and thin build but with evident muscles. Long wingspan and nicely shaped long legs. That  short blonde hair and black rimmed rectangular glasses. That white headphones that is resting on his neck everyday.

The very person he is currently trying to bring back to the world of basketball. Satoru. An upperclassman of his, one that he doesn't know his full name. Is Satoru his last name? First name? Which one?

Nevermind that one.

The important question right is, what is he doing standing on a court this late of the day?

Approaching his still and downcast figure, Kuroko spoke up.

"Hello, Satoru-san."

Clicking his tongue, Satoru didn't bother to turn around to face his underclassman. "Well, well, well. You must really like my presence since you keep on appearing so recent, brat." Satoru sarcastically says.

"I was passing by when I saw you here. I didn't want to let the chance go to waste." the blue haired boy responded.

Snorting, Satoru retorted back immediately, " The brave boy is here again to ask me to go back to basketball. Ain't that just sweet like chocolate and candies?"

"I don't understand how me asking you is related to the sweetness chocolate and candies have. " Kuroko blinks, not understanding what Satoru said.

"Tch. You just have to be the innocent and gentlemanly type. So naive. Why do I even find you interesting?" Satoru distastefully spats. Turning around, he shoved his hand on his pockets and turned to leave the court.

"You can't easily get rid of your interest in a sport unless you deny yourself from having it, Satoru-san. You can't keep yourself away from playing." Kuroko followed Satoru out of the court, scurrying forwards to block the taller males path.

"Butt out of my personal life, brat. I find it ridiculous on how much you keep on asking me when you barely know me. Is your team really admitting that they're that weak to send a freshman to desperately ask me, beg even, to come back to them?"

Kuroko stilled at his words, allowing the scowling Satoru to take a step forward without Kuroko's attention.

His golden brown eyes moved to the bandage wrapped around the shorter boys head and his fingers gingerly touched the wrapping before going down to cup the underclassman's cheek.

"Get some rest. You can try to ask me again when you're fucking okay. I wouldn't want such a cutie to faint in my presence and have the responsibility be passed on me." He said before he walked away from Kuroko.

Kuroko turned to the direction where Satoru walked away, his hand cupping his cheek which Satoru cupped earlier.

'So warm. How can such a warm person lose interest in basketball so abruptly?' Kuroko wonders.

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