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Cl0ud: Picture ain't mine.


Pressing the button to select strawberry milk on the vending machine, Satoru sighed when he felt the presence of the boy who keeps on asking him to go back to basketball this week.

"Here to ask me again or just plain coincidence?" He grumble, plunging the straw to the box and sipping his juice.

His golden brown orbs traced to the shorter boy who held a literature students manual with his usual emotionless face.

"I'm just passing by, Satoru-san. Its not the time to ask you yet. You might find it annoying and won't listen anymore." Kuroko answers honestly.

Cocking an eyebrow at his answer, Satoru got his attention stole away due to the red haired male who appeared behind Kuroko.

"Kuroko, you bastard! Why didn't you wake me up?!" He growls angrily and Satoru watched as Kuroko impassively answers, " You were sleeping so peacefully so I didn't want to interrupt, Kagami-kun."

"BUT STILL! YOU BASTARD, I COULD'VE BEEN LEFT BEHI— WHO ARE YOU?!" Kagami shouts when he noticed the tall blonde boy beside him; which earned a twitch from Satoru.

I am his upperclassman and he just rudely shouts at me like that. Where's the manners in this kid? He shouldn't even be slacking in his classes and should stop depending on the boy. Such a kid.

"I don't have any obligation to answer your stupid and rude inquiry, wild kitty." He sassily says and continues to walk away. Though, just before he could completely leave the two alone, the redhead just had to spout more angry words.

"Ha?! Who do you think you are?! For your information, I'm not stupid nor rude! And I'm not some sissy kitty!" Kagami angrily growls back to Satoru.

Casting his droopy eyes on Kagami, his glasses gleamed due to the sunlight being reflected and his lips curled to a menacing smirk.


Damn, curse this day. Satoru hissed internally.

In front of him was his past coach and teammate, Aida Riko. Cursing his day even more, he lazily averts his eyes from Kagami and focus on the brown haired girl in front of him.

"Isn't that Kagami and Kuroko...I could hear Kagami's shouts from the hallway." Riko comments and Kagami, blowing in anger, agresssively points at Satoru who had his back facing him.

"THAT GUY IS GETTING IN MY NERVES SO IT AINT MY FAULT! I SURE AS HELL AM NOT STUPID! YOU WERE THE ONE WHO SUDDENLY APPEARED!" Kagami shouts and Riko swiveled her head to Satoru who wore an amused smirk with his eyes shining dangerously.

"Kagami, calm down. S-Satoru didn't mean it. Let's just go before everything turns out bad." Riko's statement made Kagami look at her in disbelief before going back to Satoru with a very heated glare.

"That just proves my words. You really are stupid and rude. For one, I didn't 'suddenly appear' , I was here before you, stupid." Satoru insults Kagami, making him madder which made Satoru highly amused.

"I'll pummel you to the ground, you bastard! " Kagami was about to run at him but Riko stopped him, afraid for the underclassman's well-being if this continues. "Stop! Or else I'll ban you from playing three matches in the Inter High!" Riko resorted to threats and that stopped Kagami.

Gritting his teeth, he glares even more at Satoru who was just looking at the scene in amusement.

"Well~ this has been amusing but I need to go back to my room. Riko, make sure you put a proper and tight leash on your kitty. He seems to be wild and totally undomesticated. Kitty~ listen obediently to you master~" Satoru threw insult after insult.

"Satoru-san, the basketball team isn't weak. I'm not asking you to comeback because we are desperate. I highly believe that the team is strong and I believe in my teammates. I'm asking you because captain, coach and the other senpais really wants to play with you again. Because I care for the bonds between you and the senpais formed through basketball." Kuroko spoke up, silencing the atmosphere.

This was his time to say that. He didn't have a chance to speak with the blonde male in the past two days since he couldn't find him nor find the time to do so.

With his smirk pressed into a line now, Satoru turned his back on the three. Walking forwards and away from them, Satoru paused and threw his empty juice box to the bin, perfectly entering the hole without grazing the sides.

"I never want to see those eyes again, cutie."


"What, Riko?"

"Please come back! We can play together again! We can play fun basketball again! Please!"


Riko gulped. She knows full well how Satoru speaks her name whenever he's mad. He calls her by her last name with a tone so menacing and low.

"Cut the crap, scram away, and leave me the fuck alone. Only cutie can entertain me with such useless asking. "


"Satoru-san, please mind your language on ladies. Coach is a girl." Kuroko said and Satoru ignored his words, feeling his heart tightening as images of his hated looks entered his mind.


Riko took Kagami's and Kuroko's hands, dragging them with her to get away from the enraged blonde.

Once they were out of sight, Satoru quickly ran towards the rooftop and leaned his back on the side of the wall, slumping down to the ground with his hands gripping his hair, eyebrows furrowed.

"Don't make me see those eyes again.....why do you keep on asking me to go back and see those eyes again?" 

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