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"Damn it, Riko. You didn't have to make Tetsuya practice so hard. He literally looks like a damn zombie," Satoru cursed at the coach of Seirin basketball team as he gave Tetsuya water to hydrate himself.

Riko grew wary. An angry Satoru is a bad Satoru. An annoyed Satoru is mean. Now, its annoyed Satoru.

"I didn't practice him that hard. It was to help them get a hang of using their toes and good footwork!" Riko retaliated, defending herself.

Satoru smashed his hand on the wall, getting seriously annoyed at Riko, making the girl flinch and take a step back. They are currently inside an inn, having their vacation there for training purposes and earlier this morning, Riko made the boys, save for Satoru, play basketball on the sand, the ball not bouncing, making Tetsuya even more exhausted.

"If anything happens to Tetsuya, I'll break you!" He growls and manhandled Tetsuya towards their own room. Satoru personally paid just to get a room for him and Tetsuya, to provide privacy for the couple when Satoru would become clingy or attention needy.

He gently placed Tetsuya on the bed and worriedly looked at the boy, "Tomorrow's practice will be harder, Tetsuya. I worry for you." Satoru muttered.


Satoru deadpanned at Riko who is sheepishly laughing, "Where the hell is that wild cat?" He interviewed her. Riko averted her eyes and pointed at the door of the gym, "Out buying drinks."

"How much?"

"For all of us."

"Good. Keep the damn thing away from my Tetsuya." Satoru said.

Riko laughed again but a thought ran in her mind from what Satoru said, 'My Tetsuya?' She wanted to ask him but the subtle smile found in Satoru's lips stopped her and she shook her head, clearing it from her thoughts and went back to focusing on the training.

It was actually surprising to find out that the Shutoku basketball team is also staying in this inn when she saw two of their freshman earlier. Riko didn't know why they shouted and looked so alarmed when she interrupted the talk between Kuroko, Kagami, Takao, Midorima and Satoru who had a hand wrapped around Midorima's shoulders.

She was just calling her late freshmen since food is waiting for them, yet, why did they go pale and shriek like a ghost just appeared? Her apron just got dirtied by the ketchup and some water that made it worse.

When the practice was over, Satoru frowned when he looked at the score from the practice match against Shutoku. Without Kagami, they could give Shutoku a hard time, however, their chance of winning is slim. Kuroko can't function well and the others aren't really on par with the enemy.

"Umm....Mukami-senpai, coach is calling for us." Fukuda approached him and carefully asked. He can't help but be careful, he's senpai isn't really the gentle type of person, from what he gathered. Silence ensued, making Fukuda sweat at the heavy atmosphere around Satoru. "Tell Riko I'll be gone for a while tonight. Just leave me some dinner," Satoru finally replied.

Fukuda stuttered a response and dashed out of the gym.

That boy is somehow scared of you.

"Shut up, Tooru."

You're missing the feeling of the ball touching your hands.

"Way to state the obvious. There's no harm."

I'll help you block out the menace.

"Thanks man."

Satoru took off his hoodie, leaving him on his black loose tank top and headed towards the basket where the balls are kept. He took one and dribbled it, slowly accelerating as he walked towards the center.


"Satoru told you that??" Kiyoshi Teppei, the newly returned center of Seirin asked in chattering teeth.

You see, the Seirin players are currently inside a barrel filled with ice to soothe down their muscles, courtesy to Riko's 'genius' idea.

Fukuda nodded, "Mukami-senpai sounded serious when he said that." He told them. Izuki looked at Hyuuga, noting how he's trembling from the cold too, "What would he be doing for him to be gone for tonight?"

"D-Damn that Satoru! H-He needs to b-b-be specific of what he'll be doing!" Hyuuga complained. "Kuroko, did Satoru tell you anything?" The captain asked the shaking boy and Kuroko looked st his captain with blunt eyes and chattering teeth, "aienabuzivcfajznnzjs" his words are gibberish. Hyuuga pitied the small boy, suffering from Riko's idea.

"Well, well, if that's what Satoru said, let's just believe him." Kiyoshi dispersed the topic about Satoru and the area began going silent, save for the shaking bodies and chattering teeth.


He hid behind the gym's door and watched closely how the person inside handled the ball, flawlessly letting go of the ball, letting it soar in the air as it perfectly went inside the hoop.

He could see how Satoru moves so fast as if he's facing an opponent that's blocking him really hard, pressuring him. Satoru dribbled the ball between his legs, passing it to his left, right, left, right, raising his hand a bit before fully capturing the ball and turning around to the right and dribbling towards the three point line.

He stopped and dribbled in place, his eyes scanning the court as if he's looking for open players and he faked to the right, faking to the left then dribbled the ball in between his opponents legs and caught it as he passed the defense; he's now inside the three point line.

The sneaking person's eyes widened when he saw Satoru's movements and he then moved away from the door, escaping while he still has a chance to not reveal his self.

When he was far enough, he huffed from exhaustion and placed the cans and bottles of water and drinks down.

"Captain wasn't lying. That guy could totally be on par with the generation of miracles."

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