Chapter one

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THIS IS A PICTURE OF Armani Marino!!!!!

Armani POV

Armani Marino is my name. I am an 18 year old senior at Devon High school. Currently I am playing the finale match of the rugby season and the crowd is cheering.GOAALLLL!!!!

The crowd went crazy as I scored the finale goal. I was hoisted up onto my teammates shoulders as I was lead to the middle of the field.

Joy and happiness cannot even begin to describe the emotions that I was feeling. It was my final time in the field and honestly I started to tear up because I knew this game would end my rugby career.

After the game, the team and I went back to the locker room to clean up, which just meant use horsing around.

Coach later entered and the room went quiet. Coach is a big man, he is 6,7 build like a bull and is very hard on us, but not today as soon as he enter he called group circle.

"You Guys did AMAZING, I am proud of you all. As we know not all of you will be joining next year, but that won't stop us from trying our hardest to keep this winning streak. I LOVE YOU PUSSYS!" Coach proclaimed. He was so funny when he wasn't killing us.

After the boys partied a little in the locker room, we headed out. Giovanni, Antonio, and I all left the locker room as we said goodbye to the boys.

Giovanni was my best friend, he was 6,2, and had muscle built upon muscle, he has tanned skin and brown hair as well as eyes.

He was my Beta and I respected him as mush as he respected me.

Now Antonio was a little smaller than me and Gio, but he was still built. He is 6ft and has dark blond hair and blue eyes. He made everyone melt with his boyish charm.

Now we are all outside waiting for our girlfriends. Both Tony and Gio are mated and there girlfriends are so hot. All three girls come out from the crowd and came rushing into our arms.

"Hey babe, did you like the game." I asked huskily.

She looked at me with those gray seductive eyes and said " yes you were great but I was thinking we could, you know, celebrate in private." She said giving me a wink, I think I am the luckiest guy in the world.

It's to bad she is not my mate I would love for her to be, but at last she is not.

As you could tell I am not a mated wolf, which in my case is a problem, I was future Alpha of the Luna pack and I can't become one if I don't have a mate. Renee, my girlfriend, is a she-wolf and knows that I am not her mate but we don't care.

"I would love that but how about after the party." I answered her. She looked a little sad but then rejoiced because the party was going to Lit.

The party was an all supernatural event so we are really going to have fun. Renee and I said bye to Raven, Gio, Karen, and Tony and told them we will see them at the party. As soon as we drove off, me and Renee blasted music. Locked out of Heaven was playing, I love Bruno Mars, as soon as we got home I showered and got dressed.

I was wearing a plain white v-neck and mid wash jeans with black converse, I look like an extra in Grease, I wore my favorite watch and my family sacred ring.

My girlfriend looked so hot I think it should be a crime, she wore a olive green backless shirt with mid wash ripped jeans and white heels.

She has her curly hair down and her makeup was just to dye for, she was so yummy I could just have sex with her right then and there, but I knew we wouldn't be going to the party.

"You look sexy tonight babe, I really wish you and I were mates" I told her honestly. She smiled at me and gave me a kiss, but retracted because she said she didn't want to get her lipstick on me, at least not now.

Once at the party, we meet up with Gio, Raven, Tony and Karen, we all looked so hot, so once inside we heard Blame it on the Alcohol.

We were greeted by the fellow supernaturals, angels, devils, wolves, vampires, and more, it felt like home.

After an hour or so, Renee was giving me a lap dance while I was talking to Gio.

"This is so much fun........I........I don't know how I have not came yet" I told him unable to stay focused because my girl friend was grinding the cum out of me.

"Bro, I get you Raven has been seducing me all night." After our conversations me and Gio went to get the girls drinks.

"Armani it is getting close to your Coming of Age and you haven't found your mate, how do you feel man" Gio asked me.

"I don't know but for now I am happy with my girlfriend even though I know she is not my mate."

"Well that's great to hear man you know I am here for you"Gio said.

"I know, now stop with that gay shit and let's go get those drinks."

Once we were at the bar, we were greeted by a vampire named Liam, he gave us our drinks and we were off. After about three more hours of drinking, grinding and having just plain fun, Renee and I went home.

Soon as we got home we went to my room and took a shower together.

Once our little romance was done we got into bed and went to sleep. I had my arm cuddling her and my head in between her neck and shoulder, looking at her I just wish my mate was as amazing as her because I would hate to loose what I have with her for nothing.

Once I had finished with my thoughts I kissed her forehead and said goodnight to her, after falling into a deep sleep.

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