Chapter five

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We have won our 15th year in a row. The team went up to the coach and dunked the rest of the Gatorade on him, we huddled up and said our team chant one last time before we headed off our separate ways.

Me and my best friend Marcos started to head back to my car where I knew the girls would be waiting for us.

Marcos and I have been friends since middle school, we meet because of my ex best friend, let's not talk about him, we immediately clicked and the rest is history.

He is a liberal and doesn't do much Church, even though I have gotten him to go to prayer meetings and to youth group he still doesn't really care for God, I guess you can't change them all.

As soon as we arrived I say my beautiful girlfriend waiting for me by my car.

"Hey babe you did amazing in the game today," she spoke and I couldn't help but have a bright smile upon my face and kiss her.

"Thanks babe" I responded to her. Maria, Marcos, and I ended up staying by my car and talking about God knows what, in that time the entire football team showed up with their girlfriends and we just ended up talking about the party we were going to.

Then I felt eyes, I knew it wasn't my girlfriends, so I turned around to see who it was. Armani Marino, he was about 6,2 with a build of a greek God and looks that can turn any lesbian straight.

I turn around completely to look at him and give him a small smile before I ask him what he wants.

He congratulates me on a job well done and me being polite tell him thank you.

After he left my heart kind of skipped a beat, I don't know what is was but he had affected me, I just don't know how?

My girlfriend and I get in my car and drive off to the party. The entire time she was talking about some beef with one of her friends, I wasn't paying that much attention because my mind was still on Armani.

I don't what it is but the way he was looking at me just made me feel, i don't know, I just don't know.

I am not really one for gay people, don't get me wrong everyone is a child of God and should be respected as such but I just don't know why they chose to live a life of sin instead to procreate like we were made to do.

In in my town it is kind of liberal so it doesn't really matter if you are gay or straight but I just don't agree with it, now that doesn't mean I am a gay basher or I bully them, it just means I don't understand them.

Once we arrived at the party all you could here was the loud music and the screaming teens.

I am not one for parties but my girlfriend is and part of being in a relationship is having to compromise.

Once inside all you say was girls twerking on guys, guys twerking on guys, people drinking, people making out, so everything was basically okay.

Most of the party was just my girlfriend dancing, twerking and drinking and singing, while I got a lap dance, drank a little, and sat on the couch.

After the party got raided by the police we all halled ass to our cars and made it back to Maria's place.

Her parents weren't home plus I told my parents that I was sleeping over Marcos house.

In the car Maria was feeling up on my thigh getting closer and closer to my already hard member.

Playing with the pelitos at the back of head and started to place small kisses down my neck, if it wasn't for the fact that I was trying to not get killed I would have just let go of the wheel.

Once at her house all beats were off. We made it to her room and got into it as soon as possible.

I am a virgin but I do other things. I took off her shirt and discarded it on the floor, I place small love bites from her neck down to her boobs.

I unhitched her bra with one swift more and started to go to town, something about boobs just make me so horny, I motor boated her and licked those perfectly perky nipples, I had her moaning so loud I am surprised that the neighbors didn't hear.

She curved her body into mine and started to grind me feeling her pussy on my dick felt euphoric, I could feel how wet she was under those jeans and I wanted more but I knew I would never forgive myself if i have sex so I did the next best thing oral.

I kissed my way down her body making sure I get every curve and got down to her jeans, I slowly slipped them off and placed kisses in between her thighs making her want more. 

She gave out a loud moan which made my dick get harder than it already was. I placed wet kisses along her panty line and started to make my way to her vagina, it was so wet and so hot I could almost fuck it.

Made my way to her clit and started to suck on it, this l gave me the reaction that I wanted.

She grabbed my hair and started crying to move my head the way she wanted to be pleased.

I took control once more and place one finger inside her vagina, she gasped for air at the orgasmic experience.

Later I place one more finger and started to do my signature move to make her squirt.

I positioned my self next to her with my fingers still in her and started to move up and down in a fast motion.

I began kissing her and she became undone, she squirted all over the place it was like a wet wonderland, she arched into my hand not wanting it to stop, I made my way back down her body and continued to lick her pussy.

After about 5 minutes she cam in my mouth and let out in finale moan of pleasure.

I love making people happy and I love to pleasure them, I don't know that's just me.

She flipped me onto my back and started to have her way with me. She left a trail of hickeys down my abs, she stops right above my underwear line and gives me one look and a little smirk before she continues her way down.

She pulls off my underwear and starts placing wet kisses along my shaft.

I could feel her warm breath against my dick and it feels like I could cum from just that, she places her mouth at the head off my shaft and I lean back allowing her access into me.

With her hands she placed one on my dick and the other on my abs and goes down on me.

She bobs she head up and down sending chills of pleasure down my spine, right before I cum in her mouth she takes my dick out of her mouth and places it in between her tits and starts to jerk me off like that.

To tell you it felt orgasmic would be an understatement, not even a minute later I cam on her boobs.

She came up and kissed me before she and I got in the shower and clean off.

Once we got out, we made our way to her bed and feel fast asleep.

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