Chapter three

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Armani POV

Today was Friday. Today I woke up feeling a little strange. I don't know what it was but I had a feeling something was going to happen. I made my way downstairs and to the kitchen.

My house was huge, it was an old elegant manor. The people that used to live here sold us the house because they said that there were wolves in the forest, I wonder who it was?

I gave a light chuckle knowing the poor humans probably suffered and didn't know it was actually us.

"Good morning baby, how did you sleep?" My mom asked me kindly.

"Ok , I don't know what it is but I am just felling off" I told her. She looked at me with concern "maybe you might be sick" she said lightly.

I knew that couldn't be true because us supernaturals don't get sick easily, it's just part of our DNA.

"I don't think so but it's ok I will be fine" I told her, she gave me a genuine smile and gave me my breakfast.

At the table was Gio, Tony, and Raven. Raven is a she-wolf in our pack, she is one of the strongest and most power she-wolfs here. Gio is so lucky to have her.

"Hey guys, girl, how are you" I ask politely.

"We are great, now hurry ur ass up cuz today is the big game and I want to go to the pep rally on time"

Tony said with a mouth full of food. I chuckled at his stupidity, he is such a pup.

  Once at school, there was banners and streamers and balloons all over the place.

All the cheerleaders were here with there little skirts, yummy. All the football players were dressed in their uniforms and might I say, I am not gay but I would bang some of them, especially Santiago Rodriguez.

He looks to be 5,11, he has brown hair and forest green eyes, he is lean and has a face sculpted by the gods. I don't know what it was but I felt a little pang in my heart as soon as I saw him.

Maybe it was just gas? Anyways the pep rally went off without a hitch, cheerleaders were preforming, people were chanting, and the Principal was celebrating.

After the pep rally all the football players went out to start getting ready for the big game.

"Babe let's go to my place" Renee said trying to seduce me.

Any other day I would have jumped to the moon and back trying to get in her pants but something was off.

I knew I didn't love her but I always lusted after her, so I don't know what's wrong.

"Okay but you have to promise to do dirty things to me," I said to her huskily.

I knew I didn't want to be with her tonight but she is my girlfriend so I have to please her. She gave me a questioning look but then proceeded to kiss me intensively.

It was like she was trying to hold onto something but I couldn't put my claw in it. We stopped the kiss for a brief moment so that we could go some where private.

I took her to room 678, that's the room everyone goes to makes out in. As soon as we got to the room, we began kissing again. Her hands around my neck twirling the little hairs I had in the back of my head, making me moan from the pleasure.

"I can't wait to have you in me," she said as I placed her on top on the seat and grabbed her ass, successfully getting a moan from her.

If it wasn't for the fact that we were at school I would take her right now, but I had more class than that, after about 10 minutes of making out, Renee and I got out of the classroom and made our way to the car.

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