Chapter eight

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Armani POV
I couldn't get him out of my head. From the way his hair felt on my skin, to the way he seemed to calm down in my embrace.

I wanted that for the rest of my life, I wanted him for the rest of my life, but how? All I know is that I have to try my hardest to get him to love me.

I made my way  downstairs to where I found no one. ' Maybe they all left hunting' but I knew that couldn't be it, i was future Alpha and I know that they wouldn't do something like that to me.

So with that thought I made my way to the houses main office where I found everyone sitting.

My parents, my best friend, my girlfriend, and all the other members in the pack.

I don't know why no one told we were having a pack meeting but I guess better late than never.

My father called me down to the end of the table, where I cautiously sat down.

"we are gathered here today to acknowledge the fact that my son, the future Alpha of the Luna pack had found his Luna," my father said with his Alpha commanding voice.

There was a mix of different expressions on the packs faces, some one happiness, some of shock, and others of confusion.

The rest of the meeting was a blur, all I could think about was how am I going to tell my girlfriend that I found my mate and how am I going to dump her without telling her who it is.

After everyone had left Maria had come up to me. No one in the school knows this but Maria is a she-wolf here in our pack, she became one after she turned 15.

"Armani I wanted to ask you a serious question and I need you to answer it truthfully," she spoke with authority, it was kinda cute how she thought she could out rank me.

"okay what do you want to know," I responded.

"Is your mate Santiago," I was taken aback from this sudden statement, how would she know he was my mate, I know that she is dating him but still.

"No why," I told her but she wasn't convinced.

"Ari I told you not to lie to me, I know he is your mate, You have his scent all over you and on top of that whenever you are with him you heart skips a beat and even if doesn't know it his does to," she finally told me.

I sat down trying to catch my breath, he likes me, he might not know it but he likes me and I am going to try even harder to get him in my arms.

Maria was looking at me with a questionable face but she knew I was processing.

We ended up talking for about three hours about him, all his dislikes, likes, and how I was supposed to get him.

I was determined to talk to him today but I just need to find an excuse. It seemed like he was trying to avoid me like the plague.

He was no where to be found until I found his scent, it was so hard to trace but some how I did.

He was sitting underneath a giant willow tree, it was windy so the branches were moving with the wind. He was alone which was good but he seemed upset.

As soon as I smelled hurt my protective instincts kicked in and all I wanted to do was hurt the person who hurt him.

I made my way up to him and he looked frightened at the sight of me. I don't know what I did to him but what ever it was, was not helping.

"Hey," I told him making sure it was ok to lean closer.

After he didn't respond I just sat down which caused him to shuffle away.

"I am fine what do you want Mani," I know I am supposed to be worried by his off behavior but I like the nickname, it was kinda cute.

"Nothing I just wanted to know why you weren't with your best friend or your other friends or your girlfriend," the sound of the last one brought a wave of discomfort.

What happened between him and Maria, all I know is that I am going to find out one way or another.

"I am fine, now leave he the fuck alone, asshole," those words hurt me and my wolf, I don't know what I did to him but I knew I wasn't going to find out threw him, so I gave him a gentle pat in the back and made my way back to my car where the last person I wanted to be there was.

My girlfriend, I had completely forgot about her, I have been too caught up in Santi that I have forgotten I had a girlfriend.

"Hey babe I haven't seen you in a while, where have you been?"

She gave me a pout look but I quickly dismissed her I wasn't in the mood to deal with her, especially when I don't know what is going on with my baby. Wait did I just call him my baby?

I kind of like the ring of it. Anyways I told Renee that will talk to her tomorrow night, she gave me a sad look and gave me one last kiss on the cheek before I got into my car and drove off.

I need to get to the bottom of this.

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