Chapter twelve

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Marcos POV
  It was finally Monday which means I can get the hell away from this house. I hate this place, all it brings me is sadness, depression, and anger.

When I was eleven my mother died of stage three ovarian cancer, my house has never been the same after that. My father became a heavy drinker and most times would not even show up. When he did though, all hell would brake loose.

My father would beat me, curse at me, blame me for my mothers death, and worst of all try to kill me. So many restless nights just waiting for the man

I used call father to come in and finally end me. Recently my father has been in the club scene, which means he is rarely home. I have been blessed with that because it meant less beating and more time to think about how the hell I am supposed to leave.

I packed all my bags and made my way to Santi's house. He has been the biggest blessing in my screwed up life.

Once I met Santi everything changed, whenever I would need shelter or protection from my father I would go to his house.

Both of his parents loved me like a son, and both of them wanted to help me but I told them no in fear of what my father would do to me. I made my way to the front door, waiting for him to open.

As soon as the door unlocked I opened it and swung towards him. He was startled by my suddenness, which caused both of us to fall on the floor and laugh.

I got up, dusting myself off and made my way up to his guest room and placing my stuff on the bed.

I made my way back downstairs meeting Santi in the kitchen were there was hot chocolate, cookies, and junk waiting for me.

I was about to eat a cookie when it was knocked out of hands. Santi said we have to pray for the meal before we ate, I rolled my eyes but respected his commands.

Once he was finished I popped that cookie into my mouth so fast.

I never understood why Santi and his family were so religious but I never said anything, they were nice people so whether or not they praised God I loved them.

We made our way to his television room were a Christmas marathon was in order. I loved Christmas the hope it brings causes me such joy and glee.

    It was about 2:00 pm and I could tell something was off with Santiago.

Usually he would be commenting on the movie, but he hasn't spoken a word.

The only time he would talk was when I asked for some more food or I tried to start up some small talk. It was like we were strangers and I didn't like that. I paused the movie causing Santi to look at me with a hard face.

I didn't care though I need to find out what is hurting my best friend.

"Dude what is your problem, I was really getting to that movie," he was mad but I knew it wasn't about the movie it had to be something deeper.

"Nothing is wrong with me, but there is something wrong with you."

He gave me a confused look but all I did was give him a 'are you kidding me' look.

"I just have had a lot of stuff going in lately and it has been bothering me," he finally spoke.

"Well that's why we are best friends, we tell each other what is bothering us, what is making us happy, all our naughty little secretes."

He gave out a loud sigh before speaking.

"Okay I am going to tell you this, but you have to promise not to over react," I gave him a nod before he continued.

"You know how I completely told off Armani the other day," I remembered that shit was funny.

"Well I met up with him on Friday and apologized," thank god, that poor guy did not deserve all the shit Santi said to him.

"Well after I apologized I invited him over to the house, all was going well and then one thing lead to another and we ended up kissing."

I could not believe what I was just hearing my "straight" best friend hooked up with the hottest guy at our school, in his house, close to Christmas and liked it.

The devoted Christian boy kissed another boy and like it. I lost my shit completely.


I looked at him like if he was a dumb ass, " how the hell am I supposed not over react, you kissed a boy."

You the preacher boy, captain of the baseball team and out fielder for the football team kissed a boy. I just can't believe, but at the same time do."

He looked sadden by my response so I shuffled closer to him and spoke, "listen I didn't mean it like that, I just never would have imagined you were gay."

He quickly responded back, " I am not gay, he just tricked me that's all." I wasn't buying that bull shit.

"Okay so you are not gay but maybe you are bi or at least curious, you can't tell me you don't at least feel something for him."

He gave me a stern look, "okay so maybe I do feel something for him, but my religion goes against that, a man shall not lie with another man as he lies with a woman."

I looked at him like he was stupid. "Listen you know that religion excuse doesn't work on me, just because you are a die hard Christian doesn't mean you shouldn't at least try."

He tried interrupting me but I interrupted him right back.

"No listen to me, you should not give up a golden opportunity to be with an amazing guy just because some entity for above is telling not to. From what I have heard the Bible was written by people not God, so that mean that maybe some of his rules could possibly be created by the people who wrote it."

I know Santi was mad at my statement, he didn't like people fucking with his religion but I didn't care. He needed to suck it up and deal with reality.

A beautiful caring boy entered his life and is stopping at nothing to be with him and he is just going to throw that opportunity away because of some religion. We got back to watching the movie in silence. This is going to be an interesting two weeks.

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