Chapter thirty

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Santiago POV
I woke up with an IV attached to my arm and a breathing machine strapped to my face.

"Your up baby," Armani was sitting next me with a cast on his left arm. I went to speak but I just ended up coughing my lungs out.

"It's okay, the doctor said that you ruptured your ribs so it might be hard to breath or speak for a couple of days."

Then the images from last night came into my head and I tensed up.

"He is not here baby, you and your mother are safe here."

Where was my mother, was she okay? I tried to get up frantically but it didn't work, I was to weak.

"She is doing fine, we brought her back here to get help. She is in the other room getting stitched up and nurtured back to full health."

I laid on this bed contemplating life. How could my father be such an asshole, hurting my mother and almost killing me over being gay, it just made no sense.

Armani laid next to me while caressing my hair. It was going to be a long painful recovery but I knew I was going to get through it with him.

[One Week Later]
My body was getting use to being used again. I am taking physical therapy in addition to taking regular visits to the phycologist.

"Just take one step at a time." The damage my father did was not only physical but neural too.

He damaged my cerebellum which controls my ability to walk. The doctor said that I was lucky to have only damaged it a little if not I wouldn't have been able to walk.

"Okay Santi you are all done for today, see you tomorrow at the same time."

I gave the nurse a smile before grabbing my walker and heading out. I refused to be put in a wheelchair, so the pack got me a walker instead.

I made my way back to the pack house, it has been interesting ever since that attack with my father.

I went into my mothers hospital room, she got the worst of it, I was just happy she lived to see another day.

"Hola mami, como te sientes?" My mother got beat so bad she lost her ability to speak English.

"Estoy bien." I gave her a kiss on the forehead before she told me to get the hell out of her room. Latina women are so bipolar. 

"Hey baby how are you feeling." Mani grabbed my by my waist and pulled me closer to him.

"I am just trying to keep it together for my mothers sake."

He kissed me, and let go because my ribs were starting to hurt.

"Babe I have someone very special for you."

I looked at him with confusion, "if it's your dick, you can put that away for another time."

He bursted out laughing, "no it's not my dick, even though it has been missing your love."

He slapped him across the face, "fresco."

He simply kissed me on cheek and walked away. I hated how he would just ignore me on purpose.

I followed him to the grand conference room, it was kind of like a huge office. It had chairs and a gigantic table for at least 2 dozen people, if not more.

There was a lady sitting at the end of the room covered in white and the head elder.

"Hey Santiago, come take a seat next to me."

The Head Elder motioned for me to come closer. Armani closed the door behind me as I walked towards the weird woman in white.

"Santiago sit," I couldn't see her face, but something about her seemed so familiar.

"I have big news to tell you but I need you to brace yourself."

I had no clue as to what he was referring to.

"Rosa take off your cloak." Rosa but that's the name of.......No it could be... Not, my grandmother.

The person I expected never to see again until I died was here.

No, it can't be, she is dead.

"Papo, it's me your grandmother. I know you probably won't believe me, but it's true I am here."

How could this be she was dead.

"No, my grandmother died years ago!"

How could they do this to me, they knew I had a special connection with my grandmother, why would they play me like this.

"I did not die Santiago, I left because my purpose on this Earth was completed, but I am back now with a new purpose."

I stood up from my seat. I was not taking any of this crap, my grandmother was dead and I knew it.

"When you were born the first name you said was Aba. When you were in middle school, you skipped and went straight to my house because you were to scared your father would kill you."

How did this lady know all of this, I stayed and paid closer attention.

"Your father used to beat your mother, before he become a catholic, and you used to love werewolves before your family became strictly Catholic."

I sat back down.

"I am here Manti, for you." I ran to her. I missed her so much, I couldn't believe she was here, but she was.

"Okay now it's time to talk serious."

I sat back down in my seat and prepped myself.

"I am back for this reason Santi, Armani's in trouble, this pack is in trouble. The Red Blood Moon pack is going to come and set fire to this peace. You, Anna, Renee, Emilio, and me are the chosen ones for this war. You need to learn how to use your new found abilities so you can lead this pack to victory."

What does she mean I have to help what about Mani.

"You are a white wolf Santiago, your ability surpasses those of any other wolf."

It was like she read my mind.

"Now your training begins tomorrow so get ready." I looked at her in confusion.

"What about my injuries?"

She simply laughed, "that's your first lesson, healing."

She waved her hand and disappeared.

"Tomorrow starts your training so get plenty of rest."

With that the Head Elder vanished like my grandmother. I called in Armani to take me upstairs, so that I could get prepared for tomorrow.

He climbed into bed with me because he too had training tomorrow.

"Goodnight baby." He kissed my forehead and fell fast asleep. "Good night Mani."

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