Chapter twenty-nine

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Armani POV
I was so proud of my baby. He not only sang up there on that stage but showed those haters what a man really looks like.

I went up to go kiss him when I was pushed by Esteban, Santiago's father.

"Who the fuck do you think you are coming out here and disrespecting me like that. Have you lost your dam mind!"

Esteban tackled Santiago to the floor, " I am going to show you what happens to faggot's when they don't respect God wishes."

He grabbed the microphone stand and started to beat Santiago with it. "No dad please!"

Esteban just continued, "Didn't I tell you not to call me that anymore, faggot!"

He picked up Santi and threw him across the field. I charged myself towards him, but not before Margy, Santi's mom stopped in front of him.

"No Esteban, he doesn't deserve any of this." He simply laughed, "get out of my way bitch!" He slapped her so hard she flipped in the air.

I couldn't take this anymore, right before he put another hand on Santi, I charged at him.

"Don't touch him," he was caught off guard, but still managed to knock me to the floor.

"Oh so this is your little boyfriend, I am going to show this other faggot what happens when you mess with the ultimate Rouge!"

He grabbed my arm and threw me on stage. He tried to punch me but I dodged it.

"No, now I am going to show you what happens when you mess with the Alphas mate."

I grabbed his neck, spun him around, and threw him into the spotlight, shattering it.

He tried to get up but I grabbed his shirt and threw him off stage. He got up and started to fight back.

He punched me in the stomach and the ribs, while I punched his face and his ribs.

"You are going to pay for corrupting my son!"

He lunged at me, but transformed into his wolf. I didn't see it coming, he bit my arm causing it to snap.

"Ahh!" He bit down harder causing blood to seep from my arm.

I punched him in his snout, braking his grip from my arm. That gave me enough time to transform into my wolf.

His blood was tainted blood red from the people he has killed. He was a death trap waiting to be open, and tonight we unlocked the doors.

Hellish eyes started straight into mine, anger and hatred spewed from his eyes like a waterfall.

He ran the other way, I had no idea why but it hit me, he was going after Santi. I ran as fast as I could but he had already gotten to him.

His neck was in his mouth and he was about to snap it when all of a sudden a silver wolf appeared.

She bit down on his shoulder causing him to howl in pain and let go of Santi. I jumped to his rescue, I motioned for Gio to come in and take him back to the pack house.

Gio grabbed Santi while the rest of the crew followed just incase anything happened along the way. I paid my attention back to Esteban and the silver wolf.

She was holding him off but I knew her strength was limited. He slashed her face, and grabbed her neck with his teeth and bit down.

She winced out in pain before collapsing on the floor. She transformed back into her human form, it was Margy, Santi's mom.

I couldn't believe it she was ready to dye for her son.

This enraged me further. I lunged hitting his ribs and causing him to fall.

I got on top of him and slashed his face. He tried to come back at me but couldn't. All my anger towards him was taken out and I couldn't control myself.

I was about to finish him off when a white glowing figure appeared, "Armani stop." I turned around to see a glowing white wolf, for a second I thought it was Santiago but as I got closer I saw it to be a woman.

"Transform back so we can speak."

I did as she told me. A pair of clothes appeared on my body, it was like magic.

She put Esteban to sleep while we talked.

"You refer to my as Queen, but I am much closer than you believe. I am Rosa, daughter of the Great Gods and mother to Esteban."

I had to clean out my ears, the Queen of the she-wolves is Santiago's grandmother.

"I was sent back to Earth to protect my grandson from his deadly father."

I was starstruck, "why didn't you come sooner, this could have all been avoided if you would have just come sooner."

She leaned closer to me, "listen papa, my mission on this earth was to make sure Santiago was born so that the leader of the great Luna pack had a mate. You are Santiagos destiny, not me. I was merely an instrument for his birth."

I sat down close to her, "why did your son end up like this, a savage."

She took a set next to me, "well not everything in life goes the way we plan. Sometimes events happen that are out of the control of us gods."

I looked at her, "and what about Santi's mother, what will happen to her."

She stood up and motioned for me to come with her.

"Feel this," I placed my hand on Margy's head and felt an immense surge of power.

"That right there is a white wolves energy. Unfortunately when she mated with a rouge the gene for white fur covered itself in silver, but now that she is coming into her own her white fur is starting to show."

I couldn't believe it, three white wolves in the world.

"How come you are back now." She grabbed my hand while she spoke, "I was sent back here so that my son won't end up killing your mate and you won't end up becoming like him."

Was what she was saying true, I might become like him.

"How do I stop it from happening." She gave me a smile, "only time will tell, but now that I am here everything should turn for the best."

With a wave of her hand she made Esteban disappear, while I grabbed Margy. I got close to her and all three of us disappeared.

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