Chapter ten

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Picture of Marcos!!!!!!!

Armani POV
Pain. Pain from rejection, pain from denial, pain from the unknown. That's all I can feel, is pain.

My parents tried asking me what's wrong but wouldn't respond. My best friends Gio and Tony tried to comfort me but I said no, even my "girlfriend" tried to help, but all I gave her was emptiness.

It has been like this for the past two weeks ever since I got attacked.

[2 weeks ago]
It was Saturday which means one thing, hunting. It was my favorite part as a wolf, the thrill of the chase, the reward of catching your prey, it was all just so much fun.

The girls and the boys all met up in the backyard for a "rules and regulations" speech.

This was gone over just incase of a rouge attack, a hunters presence, or any complications during the hunt.

The Alphas, Betas, Gammas, and Luna all separated to form their groups.

Once everyone was situated we transformed and went off. Following my fathers giant wolf, we made our way through the rocky terrain and steep hills until we smelled our prey.

The Alpha instructed us to get low so that the deer won't see us, and we followed everything accordingly. Once we were set, we attacked.

There is nothing like the taste of deer blood, once done we continued our hunt.

Bloodlust had soon taken over me and I wanted more, I needed more. This is one of my many problems as a wolf, I have the inability to control myself when it comes to bloodlust.

Hearing the bones crackling while you munch down on their delicious flesh, just makes you want more, but at last the hunt was coming to an end which meant we were heading back soon.

I made my way towards a nearby stream to get some water, when I heard a sound approaching me.

At first I thought it was a fellow pack member, but when I heard a laugh I knew I was fucked.

"Hahahahhaah, is the little alpha scared," said the voice of a man from the brushes.

I quickly got into a fighting stance ready to fight whatever was coming at me.

"Don't be scared, I was a part of a pack too you know, but that all changed the night I killed them all."

His voice was evil, almost sinister, who ever this person was, he was coming for me with a vengeance, so I need to be careful.

I was about to call for reinforcements, when all of a sudden a blood red wolf jumps out of the bushes.

He was huge almost the size of a car, he had stained blood red fur, with beating red eyes.

He was a rouge and he meant trouble. I knew I had to fight him but I just wasn't sure if I would be able to take him all by myself.

He lunged towards me making me trip on the rocks behind. He took this as an opportunity to bit my shoulder causing me to wince in pain.

He bit down harder causing me to push back and scratch his face. He was taken aback, so I used this opportunity to run at him full force causing us to topple down the hill and into the forest.

Scratching, bitting, growling was what was going on. Both of us exhausted from the fight but still going at it. He ran up to me hitting my stomach and making tears come out from my eyes, he flipped me over and clawed at my back making me growl in pain.

He went to go deliver the final blow when all of a sudden Renee pops out from behind a tree and sprints towards him. She successfully knocks him down causing him to rip him claws out of my back.

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