Chapter nine

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Santiago POV

It's been two weeks since Armani has shown up to school. I know I am not supposed to care but he has been so nice to me it is weird that he just disappeared.

Anyways these passed two weeks have not been easy, I got dumped by my girlfriend, my grades are all C's and on top of the that Armani keeps trying to get at me, I think?

I have been going to church even more lately. I don't why all the stress of life brings to God, but it just does.

Today was Friday which means I have youth group. There something about that place that brings me such joy.

Today was a special night because we were having a talk from my favorite person ever my pastor, John Wayne.

I made my way to my seat where I was greeted by my team. Not only do we go to school together but we also come to youth group.

"everyone take your seats," said a young woman.

Not long after the pastor came out and said a prayer to start the talk.

"Good morning young men and women, today I am going to talk about God's message. You might be asking yourself, how in the world am supposed to hear Gods message, well in many ways God does not speak to us directly. He may talk to us through prayer, song, scripture or even people. You might not understand or know why but God has a plan for us. He puts people in our lives to help come closer to him, but the devil will always bring people to push you away from Gods true message. He will send people that seem to be innocent, who seem to be caring, but will always end up hurting you or your true purpose in life. And if you have to leave here with something I want it to be this God loves each and everyone of you, no matter what happens know that he will be there to watch you and protect you, Thank you and have a God filled week."

    As soon as I got home I recollected on the words the pastor said

"the devil will send people that seem to be innocent, who seem to be caring, but will always end up hurting you and your true purpose."

Could God be telling me Armani is my devil in disguise. Yes that has to be it.

Next time I see him I am going to tell him to stay away from me. With that thought I put my pajamas on, brushes my teeth and went to sleep.

Classes seemed to be pacing by even slower. Mrs. Barhlandese kept trying to wake me up during the math lesson but I just couldn't.

The whole weekend I was at the beach with Marco. He was telling all about his new potential bae.

I missed him so much, after he came out to me he kind of disappeared. I didn't know where he went but he told me he had gone on a family trip to see their grandmother in Utah.

As soon as class ended I meet up with Marcos and we walked to our spot under the willow tree.

That spot was so peaceful, so tranquil and yet all it reminds me of is that time with Armani, but I don't care he doesn't deserve my thoughts, he is just my devil in disguise.

Once Marcos and I sat down, something seemed off. I looked to my left and then to my right, but nothing, it wasn't until I looked straight ahead I saw a bruised and scratched Armani walking towards me. ' what the hell happened to him,' I thought to myself.

Maybe he got in a fight, but those cuts they looked deep. All of a sudden this "motherly" instinct kicked in, but as soon as it came, it left.

He walked up to me and Marcos and greeted us. He sat down next to Marco, ' when did they become friends,' I thought but then proceeded not to care.

I gave Armani a hard look before speaking. " What are you doing here Armani," I told him with authority.

A glimpse of hurt filled his eyes but it was to quick to confirm. " Nothing I just wanted to talk to you, Santi, in private if that is okay."

I looked at him with disbelief, why would he want to talk to me, there is nothing to talk about, I was so confused.

Either way he need to get away. " No, whatever you have to say can be said with both me and Marco present."

He looked at me with anger, that it kind of shocked me but I stand my ground waiting for him to speak.

"Fine," he finally spoke. " I wanted to know if we can hang out, not like that, but just as friends."

I was unsure about why couldn't tell me this in front of Marco, but I didn't care, I need him out of my life before he ruins it.

"Listen man, I am not gay, I don't fucks with that, you seem like a great guy but I just don't see you or any boy in that way, so good luck finding someone else to swoon over."

Anger, sadness, and pure hatred flashed through his eyes, I don't what hurt him so much but whatever it was really ticked him off.

"You people are all the same, judging someone for their sexuality before even knowing them first, well whatever have a nice like Santiago."

With that he stood up and walked away from the table. Something in me made me what to grab his arm and say " I am sorry" but I refrained, that would only send the wrong message.

Marcos stood their in disbelief, he had no idea what was going on and to be quite frank neither did I.

We got up from the table and headed towards my car. I was taking Marcos home today because his car broke down.

On our way we where stopped by Armani's ex-girlfriend, Renee was beautiful, she had long curly hair with beautiful green eyes and a olive complexion.

She looked like a goddess from Greek mythology, man was Armani lucky to have had her.

"Hey Renee, what did you need." I spoke to her politely, but I didn't get the same response, " so your the cunt that did this to him," I was literally in total shock, who was she talking about, could it be Armani.

No, it couldn't be, we had just had that fight she couldn't have possibly known.

Either way she wasn't happy and unlucky for me I got slapped across the face leaving me light headed.

"What the fuck is your problem!" Exclaimed Marcos, she simply told us it was my fault he was like this.

I had no idea what she meant, but I didn't have enough time to ask. As soon as she finished her sentence she left.

On my way to Marcos house and then to mine all I could think about was what she said "he is like this because of you?"

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