Chapter seven

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Santiago POV
I had to get out of there. The emotions were to strong, anger, sadness, anxiety, and yet everything felt so right in his arms.

The way he was holding me like everything else in the world didn't matter, the was he held his grip when I would shake, the way he understood me, it felt so right and yet so wrong.

All I know is that I had to get out of there before things escalated.

On my way back to my car all I could think of was my abuela, all the wonderful memories that I shared with her.......

"A la nanita nana, nanita ella, nanita ella mi niño tiene sueño, bendito sea, bendito sea"

My grandmother sang to me as we got the rest of the items out of her car. It was a lovely chilly night the full moon was out and the stars were dancing in the night.

"Aba why do you like it here so much," I asked her, she gave me a gentle smile and responded.

"This is were all my troubles go away, were you are one with nature and nature is one with you.Where we live there is to much light pollution to see the stars dance in the sky or the moon beam with delight, but here natures beauty is reveled. Not only that but this is where I meet your grandfather."

I gave her a warm huge before going back to food, she told me of all her tales when she was younger and how the gods have helped her in her life.

I never understood why my grandmother believed in many gods instead of one like me and my family.

She used to tell me that she had seen the gods herself and that her husband went up to them when he pasted away.

She never told me the story of him because she said it was to hard for her to speak of, but I always wanted to know.

I tried asking my dad but he said he won't talk about it and I tried asking my aunt but she said the same as my father.

When I arrived home all was well my dad was in his study doing paperwork while my mom was in the kitchen finishing diner.

After dinner I made my way up to my room to find Marcos waiting for me in my room.

"Hey Bro what are you doing here," I ask him, he seems kinda off so I proceed to ask him what's wrong which to he responds.

"Nothing I was just thinking about how I might not be friends with you after today."

This startled me completely, 'why would he think I wouldn't be friends with him that makes no sense.' I leaned closer to him and he began to weep.

I have never seen him cry before in all the years that I have known him, so it was a surprise to see him like this.

"What do you mean we are best friends why would I leave you like that," he gave once last glance at the floor before looking at my eyes.

"I don't know how to say this but I am just going to say it, I am gay," I looked at him with bewilderment.

I would have never thought he was gay, I mean yes he is not that religious, and yes he is very opened minded, but he always carried himself as a straight guy.

To say I was surprised would be an understatement.

"Marcos it's okay I know that you might think I wouldn't  accept you but I do and nothing in this world would separate our friendship."

He gave me a huge hug and just kept repeating " thank you."

Once he calmed down he told me that he met a really "hot" guy on the beach one day and something about him just seemed to attract him. ' I wonder who' I thought to myself but I didn't care it was none of my business and I would like it to stay that way.

After about two hours of us talking I set up a bed next to mine and we both went fast to sleep. ' I hope tomorrow isn't awkward.'

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