Chapter twenty-six

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Armani POV
He loves me, he actually loves me! I don't how to take this. He let me be myself, my full self in front of him, he didn't flinch, call me names, or even run.

He truly cared for me, and me for him. We were currently back at the pack house. It got cold outside so he hopped on my back as we rode through the wilderness.

He was giggling while I ran, we made it back to the pack house. I shifted back into my human form and put on the clothes Santi was caring.

"Hi Santiago, I am Mrs.Marino, Armani's mom."

This came as a shock for me, why would my mom introduce herself now?

"Hello Mrs. Marino I am Santiago, Armani's boyfriend."

My heart skipped a beat, he actually called me his boyfriend! My mothers face blew with excitement.

"Well Santiago can you follow me into my husbands office."

He nodded and followed her, my father is going to be the toughest to convince, but hopefully Santi will persuade him.

We stepped into my fathers office and took a seat.

"Hello Santiago I am Armani's father, and Alpha of the Luna pack."

Santi gave out his hand for a shake.

"Hello Mr.Marino," he wasn't nervous at all, I could even smell a hint of terror.

"So I hear you are my sons mate, what makes you think that you are worthy of my sons affection."

I wanted jump over the table and punch my father. Who does he think he is talking to my mate like that, I started to stand before Santi grabbed my stomach.

His touch made my anger die down, all I could feel was his warmth. I sat back down and kissed Santi in the cheek.

"Well Mr.Marino, I know me and Armani haven't had the best of relationships, and that is  due to me, but I love your son. I am willing to put my own life in the line to protect and love him. Even if you don't accept us I will fight for our love. I believe God put Armani in my life so that I could fully develop into a man, without your son I don't what I would do. He is the rock I lean on when I have worries, when I have insecurities, and nothing or no one will stop me from loving your son."

I couldn't take it I grabbed his face and leaned it into a kiss. When I let go he blushed. My father had a smile over his face.

"Well then Santi, welcome to the family."

My mother and father got up and hugged Santi. The room reeked of happiness and positivity. Santi asked my parents permission to spend the night, which they gladly agreed too.

We said our good nights and went up to my room.

"Babe I am proud of you!" I picked him up and placed him on my bed.

"Thanks Mani, I just told them what felt inside." I kissed him with strength, all my bottled up lust and all my bottled up emotions just came out.

"Santi I want to mark you." He looked at me with excitement and fear.

"But if I do you will become a werewolf too."

He let go of me," what do you mean I will become a werewolf too?"

I let out a sigh, "well since you are human, you tend to live less than us supernaturals. In order to start the mating process I need to mark you. With me marking you, you will become a werewolf."

He looked scared, "you don't have to mate with me if you don't have to."

I was sad, I thought he would understand but I guess not. He cupped my face, " if it means being with you for the rest of my life then I will become a werewolf."

I wiped the tears from my face, "are you sure, this means your life would change forever."

He gave out a small laugh,"for you I would do anything."

He kissed me with lust, all of my wolfs emotions were let out. I put him on his back while I was ontop of him.

I kissed him with intensity, he moaned out in pleasure. I took off his shirt revealing an Adonis like form.

Ever since he got out of the Conversion camp most of his days consisted of working out. He had built an amazing body and now it was my playground.

"Oh yes Mani!" I licked his nipples, making sure I sucked on bud. He leaned into my pleasure, arching his back and pressing him dick onto mine. I made my way lower to his abs, I cupped my hands around his hips while I worshiped his abs.

They were perfect, he was perfect and deserved this. He took off my shirt and pants only allowing our underwear to be seen.

I flipped him around and made my way up his back. I made sure to press my hard on in between his ass cheeks. He swayed his hips, rubbing his ass on my dick.

I moaned out in pleasure, causing a smile on his face.

"Are you ready?" He turned around to look at me.

"Yes babe," he kissed my one last time before I made my way done to his neck. In between his neck and shoulder is were I wanted to mark him, so I extended my canines and brushed along the soft skin.

Now that my wolf is almost out I can smell everything. His lust, his warmth, and his love. I bit down lowly not want to hurt him as bad, he jumped at the sudden pain but calmed down as soon a I continued.

"Yes Armani keep going," I bit down deeper until I knew I had marked him, his blood was sweet not like any other blood I have tasted, it was intoxicating.

I retracted my canines, licked away the blood from my teeth and kissed Santi.

"Yew," he said but I didn't care I loved him. I laid on his lap while he ran his fingers through my hair.

"Santi can you sing me a song." He looked confused, after about 5 minutes of pondering on what to sing, he opened his mouth.

"When the night has come and the land is dark
Y la luna es la luz que brilla ante mí
Miedo no, no tendré, oh I won't, me asustaré
Just as long as you stand, stand by me
And darling, darling, stand, by me, oh, stand by me
Oh stand, junto a mí, junto a mí.
Y aunque las montañas o el cielo caiga
No voy a preocuparme porque
Sé que tú estás junto a mí
No lloraré, no lloraré, oh,
I won't shed a tear
Porque sé que tú estás junto a mí.
And darling, darling, stand by me, oh, stand by me
Oh stand, stand by me, stand by me
And darling, darling, stand by me oh, stand by me
Oh stand, junto a mí, junto a mí.
And darling, darling, stand by me, oh, stand by me
Oh stand, junto a mí, junto a mí.
And darling, darling, stand by me, oh, stand by me
Oh stand, junto a mí, junto a mí."

He kissed my forehead, position himself so that I was laying on top of his chest, and we both feel asleep.

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