Chapter thirty-three

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Santiago POV
I woke up with arms around me and Mani's head on my back. Yesterday was liberating, finally telling him what happened.

I felt different today, I couldn't explain it but I just felt different. I could feel his hard on my ass, I felt bad that we haven't done it, it's just what do you do?

I have seen gay porn before and that shit looks painful, but I know that it's not real life.

I lifted his hands from my body, moving him slightly so that I could get out. He grunted and moved to his side of the bed.

I took a deep breath, and made my way to the kitchen. It was nothing like pack house, this particular place was sleek white and black with orange accents on the cabinets.

I made my baby some breakfast as a way to say thank you for everything. I heard footsteps coming from the bed.

Armani walked up to me, he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me on the cheek.

"Good morning babe, why did you leave the bed?"

I laughed lightly, "Good morning babe, cause I wanted to make breakfast for you."

He kissed me again and made his way to the table. I brought the rest of the food and sat down.

"Do you mind if I pray?"

He smiled, "of course not, whatever makes you comfortable."

I was so happy that my boyfriend was so supportive of my religion, he was honestly the one.

"Thank you God for this meal, for blessing me with the best boyfriend a guy could have, and for providing a wonderful vacation for us, in Jesus name, Amen."

    "So baby what do you want to do today?"

He looked so gorgeous with the light shining in back of him.

"Well, we never got to go to the beach, so let's start with that." We continued to eat, I started to rub my feet in his thigh, he closed his eyes in pleasure, "babe please stop, I don't want things to escalate."

I put my foot on his dick, he moaned at the sudden shock of pleasure, "Santi please." He grabbed it moving it up and down.

"Santi that's it," he stood up and walked away. I was left so confused.

What the fuck just happened, I thought he was enjoying it. I stood up, put the dishes in the dish washer and headed towards the room.

"What the fuck was that Mani!" I was so hurt, did he not like pleasure from me anymore?

"Santi it's not what you think." This made me even more confused, "then what the fuck, do you not want me to touch you intimately anymore?"

He grabbed my hand, pulling me to his lap, "it's not that baby, I love your touch, actually I can't get enough."

I blushed at his statement, "then why did you just walk off?" He took a deep breath.

"Well here's the thing, the full moon is coming, and once it's here I can't control myself like I used to. Since I already marked you, we have completed the first step in mating, but since we didn't finish it completely then my wolf is craving the last. I don't want our first time to be rushed or just sex I want it to be special, which is why I don't to be getting super horny."

I loved him so much, he is willing to hurt just because he wants my first time to be special.

Right then and there a thought crossed my mind. "Mani why don't we go to the beach tomorrow, you can calm yourself today."

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