Chapter twenty-one

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Santiago POV
I was on my way to final conversion therapy session. It surly hasn't been easier, I was on my final stage in the conversion process.

This was the most painful session out of the entire experience. I made my way to the "chamber," the walls were a pale white with a wooden chair at the center.

This particular chair has metal straps so that when they send electrical currents throw you it would hurt more.

On the main wall was a giant movie screen projector, it kind of reminded me of the one I had at home. Their was a nurse waiting for me at the door.

"Welcome back Mr.Rodriguez," I gave her a fake smile before walking in. Inside the room I discarded my clothes all except for my underwear.

This was part of the whole process. I sat down on the chair while they strapped me in and placed the electrical shockers on my body.

They placed the hot rods on my fingers and toes, causing a burning sensation. This was my last session which meant I had a metal wire helmet.

This was so that they really did the trick to fry your brain out. Many are not so lucky and die from the pain, but I had to much to live for to just die now.

"Okay Santiago we are going to start," the doctor said, he was a good man at heart, believing that this tournament would actually help the kids.

He was a lost man helping a lost cause. He started the presentation and it began, I had a void of emotion, this helped with the level of intensity.

The more you yelled  and scream the more they turn up the currents. While I sat there I remembered my first experience.

" please, I beg you," I was yelling at the top of my lungs.

I was currently being disrobed by a local nurse.

"It's okay hunny, this is all part of the process for a better life."

I couldn't breath, why did my parents send me here, do they know what is going on. Did they do this on purpose?

The "doctor" showed up, he was dressed in a traditional white robe with a pair of black scrubs.

"Okay Santiago, today we going to start the first faze of your conversion into man," he said this all while smiling, trying to give me a sense of trust.

They strapped me down to a wooden chair, it had metal straps, but I had no idea why. I was panicking, all I could think off was what the hell they were going to do to me.

"Santiago the more you struggle the harder it is," he gave me a fucking smile.

Why was he smiling at my misery, he was bad and I knew it. They had successfully strapped me in, placing electrical shockers all over my body, they began.

"Okay, we are going to show you a series of pictures, depending on your reaction, we will electrocute you, does that sound fine?"

They didn't give me a chance to speak. They began the slide show, at first it was naked pictures of women, I was doing fine, until they started placing naked pictures of men.

Every time a picture of a man would show up an electrical current ran through my body.

"Ahh!" The pain was emence, "please.....please...stop."

That was the only thing I could say.

"We are almost done son, just a few more." I continued to look at the scene being terrified when a picture of a man showed up.

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